Chapter 10

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* Rose's p.o.v *

Suddenly i didnt feel his weight on me anymore. I opened my eyes wide to look up and i saw that some guy had gripped him and was punching him hard. He then left the guy fall down on the floor then he turned to look at me. He was a light almond brown, swooped on the side, haired and pale skinned guy.

- what are you doing in a place like this?
- umm im just looking for a job actually..

He laughed out loud, rolling his eyes.

- not really the ideal place to look for a job except if you're into having sex with total strangers

- well excuse me but its not like i knew that this was that kind of job they were offering...i just saw the ad in the newspaper.

- okay okay...well, look if you're looking for a job the restaurant i work at is presently looking for someone, why dont you just give me your resume ill pass it on. Btw my name is Kevin.

- umm yeah okay that would be great. Nice meeting you, im Rose.

I bent down and took out my resume from my backpack and handed it to Kevin.

- anyway i have to go or ill be really late for the delivery he said before turning around. I watched him walk out then before he left completly i called him. He turned his head around.

- yeah?

- thank you for helping me out by the way

He smiled and told me it wasnt a problem at all then he really left. As soon as he was out of my sight i looked down to the guy that was on the floor laying down trying to regain consciousness. God i so wanted to kick him in the balls lol i dont know what exactly held me back from doing just that.
I walked away. Away from that guy, away from that room, away from that damn building. I walked around downtown, window shopping then i sat in a park on a bench looking at the people walk by, the kids playing, the dogs sniffing around, and the birds flying from one tree to the other. A few hours passed by. The sky became dark and some rain drops started to fall. I got up and ran to the bus stop. I got home a few mins later. There was a lot of noise in the house for once. There was music in the background, i heard the guys talking and laughing between themselves in the kitchen. The smell coming out from the kitchen was amazing. I was curious to go and see what was cooking but i decided it was best i avoid the guys. If i wanted to have a somewhat normal high school expérience then i needed to not make myself ennemy with Emily so that she wouldnt make everyone hate me.
I started to walk up the stairs to go to my room. Suddenly out of nowhere i hear yelling : my girlll.
I look down to see Jad and the guys. They are looking at me, smiling. Has Jad been drinking? Why did he just call me his girl?

- Come join us, Jad made general tao jason said. They all turned around to go back to the kitchen.

Oh great, tempting me with food...thats the way to get me ughh
Well on second thought, i wont make myself ennemy with Emily if she doesnt know about it. What happens at home, stays at home. So i dont have to avoid the guys at home.
With that in mind i ran back down the stairs and walked in the kitchen. We laughed and had fun all evening, playing videos games which i obviously lost a big majority of the times i played lol then we went to sleep around midnight and we were all very tired in the morning when it came to waking up for school.

I heard a door close. I turned around in my bed, yawned then opened my eyes. Oh gosh this isnt human, waking up so early for school. Why so early? Seriously. I got up, opened my bedroom and went straight for the bathroom but i stopped infront of the closed bathroom door. I knocked at the door once.

- i gotta go to bathroom, get out please.

I heard nothing so i knocked several times again. Oh come on, who's in there?!
Finally after a few minutes the door burst open. I saw a shirtless torse. I looked up to see who it was, it was Jad who had a big smile on his face. His hair were wet and pulled back. He was well built and had water dripping all over his body. I couldnt help myself from blushing and lowering my head to the ground. Jad looked down at the ground wondering what i was looking at. With his boyish puzzled face he looked at me. I smiled. He was so sexy yet so cute at the same time.
- What's wrong? He finalled asked
I blushed again. I just couldnt! Ugh it was too hard thinking straight with him being shirtless and all wet and jduofklffs 😍😍
-im sorry, i have to go pee i said before pushing my way in the toilet then closing the door behind me, making sure it was locked.

A few hours later

I walked in English class and went to sit at my usual seat in the back. When i got there i saw someone else was sitting in my seat 😅

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