Chapter 5

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- Jad, are you sure this is a good idea? We could get in a lot of trouble if someone finds out..Jason said, whispering.

- oh come on, dont be such a baby. Lets just do this Jad said as he climbed the fence. When he was on the other side he said : you know very well that this guy wont let us simply walk in and move her stuffs without saying or doing anything. The best way to do this is to sneak in but we cant get caught.

The three of them looked at each other's before Sean then Jason climbed up the fence also. All three of them ran accross the yard.

- oh god, i hope he doesnt have guard dogs Sean said as they ran and although scared as hell they still laughed out to that thought.

*Rose's p.o.v*

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, it was so calm. I heard no other sound then of the birds singing and chitchatting between each others. I smiled. It was so pleasant to wake up so peacefully. What time was it? I looked to the clock on the nightstand. It was 11:21am. I took off the blanket and putted my feet down on the floor. I just sat there looking out the window, the sky was blue and the sun being as bright as he possibly can be. I heard my stomach growl. I pressed my hands on my stomach like if it would make the growling stop. I got up and walked out of the room. I stopped right infront of my bedroom door...there was no talking, no noise, no nothing coming from down strange. I slowly walked down the stairs and searched with my eyes the presence of someone...nothing...i walked into every room but there was no one in the entire house. They all left...wth? Its Sunday...dont tell me they all went to church?! 😅
I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, what was i suppose to do now? I mean yeah its my home too but feels weird to be all alone in a new home. I dont want it to look like im sneaking around everywhere. I decided to go make myself something to eat then after that id figure out what im doing today. I walked to the fridge, took out the bagel bag and the cream cheese. I started preparing my breakfast by toasting my bagels when suddenly i heard the noise of the front door opening then of the boys laughing with each others. Jad's face appeared in the kitchen's door, all smiley. He looked at me then said :

- Mmm whats cooking, beautiful?
As he said that he raised his hand to show me a picture that he was holding. It was a small wallet size picture. My eyes widened. How did he get that picture?! It was a picture of me and my parents. I then saw Jason arrive with a black fake leather bag. Hey! That was my bag!!!

- Where the hell did you guys get my stuff? I shrieked. They all were smirking. Oh no they didnt...did they? They went over there!!!

- It was Jad's idea! Jason said as they watched my reaction. I jumped up and down and ran to hug Jad then Jason and Sean

- Omg thank you guys! 

*Tattoo's p.o.v*

- Who the fuck are these punks? I yelled out to Yuu who had approached me with captures of three guys that came into my house earlier today.

- And why did no one see these guys come in?!

- Boss, everyone is out searching for Rose as you demanded...

Rose...Just to hear her name reminds me that we still havent found her...I miss her presence. I wonder what happened to her. Where could she possibly be? Whenever ill find her, ill never leave her out of my sight again i thought and promised to myself.
I turned around calmly looking out the window then i sat on my chair.
Without even turning to look at Yuu, I said : Just find these punks, if they came in my house they must have a good reason.

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