Chapter 11

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*Rose's p.o.v*

It was a pretty asian girl. She looked up at me, smiling. I smiled back. She seemed nice.

- Is this your seat? She asked
- um yeah but its fine, ill sit here i said while sitting at the table next to hers.
- oh, im so sorry i wasnt sure where to sit, im new here she said while giggling
- its really fine, dont worry about it
There was a awkward silence while we just sat there staring at each others.
Then she said : my name is Katia by the way, whats your name?

- My name is Rose i said smiling. Yay i made a friend, finally lol
I heard a buzzing sound, i looked at the front of the class to see if the teacher had arrived yet then i took out my phone from my back pocket and read the text message from a unkwown number.

Unkown : Hey its kevin, just to let you know you officially have a job

Rose : Omg really!?? 😅😶

Kevin : lol yeah, come over after school to meet with the boss 🙂

Rose : Youre the best 💛 thank you so much!

The teacher walked in the classroom as did half of the students who hadnt arrived yet.

I turned around to Katia and said "you know I'm new too, i started a few days ago" i said, like if i was trying to defend myself that i wasn't a total loser and thats why i had no friends.

"How you liking here so far?" She asked, smiling.

Uh. How am i liking it here so far? Seriously? Well gee i don't know..between Emily and her group and the rest of the school laughing at me, i have a very hard time figuring out how im liking it here so far.
Emily and her group walked in the class. Speaking of the devil, here she is in person with her little minions. She looked at me and said "hey....loser?" They all laughed out before sitting down at their seat.

I glanced at Katia who had obviously witnessed the scene and was looking at me with a sympathetic smile.

"Well that's how its been since i got here so not really liking it that much lol"

"That's about to change, im here now" she winked at me while giggling.

I smiled. For once, i was happy in this hell of a school. The school bell rang.
The teacher adjusted his things before starting on with math class then he begun talking. After a few minutes Jad barged in...late again. Everyone turned to look at him.

He scratched the back of his head, looking uncomfortable. "Oh sorry, M.Leroy"  he said before going to sit at his seat. We heard most of the girls giggle. M. Leroy just watched Jad for a minute without saying anything except he couldn't resist letting out a sigh of annoyance. The class continued on with its usual boredom. I tried my best to concentrate although what the teacher explained was completely Chinese to me.
The bell finally rang, ending first period. I gathered my stuffs and then walked out of the class with Katia next to me. We split up since we weren't in the same class for second period but we  planned to eat lunch together at lunch time. I had gym class, i kinda was nervous since last time had went so well (obviously being sarcastic right now). I walked quickly to my locker to gather my gym stuffs before walking to the female gym locker. I changed then went inside the gym. There was a couple of girls already there. I slowly walked to one of the bench to sit, waiting for the class to start. Suddenly i saw Emily and her group further away on the left, they were looking at me. Our eyes met. Emily smiled before walking with assurance towards me.

"I see you haven't taken my warning seriously since from what i heard you arrived to school with the guys, it sucks you're too dumb to stay away from them but trust me, you'll pay for being so dumb. From now on I'll make it worse for you! You don't belong with any of the guys, they're too good for someone like you" she said with her usual smirk. Gosh why was she so mean to me? Why is she so obsessed with the guys? Yeah they're really cute and all but why dont she just go after the one she wants and leave me the hell alone? Its not my fault i became friends with the guys. Why should i have to pay for being friends with the guys? And what does she mean that they're too good for someone like me? She doesn't even know me.
"Its war, bitch" her last words were before she turned around and walked away.

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