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Rose Murphy 

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Rose Murphy 

Born and raised in Canada, raised by her parents Dave and Linda Murphy who were killed one evening for still unkwown reasons, leaving Rose to care for herself, having no choice but to stay with a friend of her parents who turn out to do shady business, she runs away one evening when he makes a move on her. But she is then attacked brutally in a alley and left for dead, saved by Jay, Sean and Jason. 

Born : September 9, 2002 (16yrs old)

Physical description : long lustrous straight natural dark brown hair, small hazel eyes, perfectly defined arched eyebrows and a flawless honey skin. 

Relationship status : single

Friends : Katia ( her present bff ), Sylvia and Britney ( her past friends ), Jay, Sean and Jason ( her present friends and roomates ) and Kevin ( her present friend and coworker )

Job : Work in a restaurant as a waitress, past work : babysitter

Religion : Agnostic

Hobbies : Shopping, taking walks, love nature, cooking, photography, watching shows and listening to music. 

Favorite sports : Soccer and baseball

Favorite foods : Lasagna, 

Positive traits : Loving, Generous, Devotate, Kind and Sincere 

Negative traits : Insecure, Impusilve,  and Jealous

Ambitions :  Wants to become a veterinary and travel ( Japan, Europe, Morocco, United States, Punta Cana and Cuba )

Have more questions about Rose? Dont hesitate to ask your question in the comment section or by message 😊

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