This was just the start

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The next day passed pretty quickly, it just consisted of Phil spending all day thinking about Dan. The way his chocolate locks fitted perfectly around his tanned face, how beautifully brown his eyes were and how his smile made him look like an angle that had fallen from heaven.

He tried to keep his love for Das as distant and as secret as possible, although that’s hard when you’re in a lot of the same classes with the person you like, but you’re surrounded by twats who don’t even know what lesson they’re actually in.

Until in his second to last lesson of the day, which happened to be drama, Phil started day dreaming about him and Dan, who was standing across the room from him. What they’d do together, how they’d hang out in each other’s bedrooms, and then how they’d kiss when they had to part. Dan’s lips just looked so soft and tender. Then as his eyes slipped over the tanned boy’s body, taking in the perfect shape of it, why couldn’t Dan notice him.

His thoughts were rudely interrupted by one of the bigger boys, the type of guy that wouldn’t be afraid of getting into a punch up, shouted “PHIL’S CHECKING DAN OUT!”

Everyone’s faces spun around to look at him, Phil’s pale cheeks went from the usual ghostly white to an astonishing shade of crimson within a few seconds. He opened his mouth then shut it again, trying to speak, but no words came out, he wanted to deny it, but he couldn’t.  

Looking over at Dan, Phil made eye contact with him, he looked towards the other with a terrified look on his face, where-as Dan just looked at him and raised an eyebrow quickly before going back to blank expression staring.

From behind him the blushing boy heard someone else shout, “HEY, EVERYONE, LOOKS LIKE PHIL IS GAY!” then all the insults came. Through all the voices of teenagers he heard various comments containing the word “Fag” and “Freak” and “Why is he even alive?”

Phil couldn’t cope with everyone shouting at him, so he turned his back and fled out of the door, not bothering to pick up his school bag along the way. He ran down the corridors, trying to get as far away as he could from the words. He continued running until he reached the boy’s toilet block furthest away from the drama room, where he ran into a stall, locked the door, lent up against it and sank to the ground, burying his head in his hands and started to sob.

He knew this was just the start.


A/N: oooo action!

I'm really enjoying writing this so far, and I've got the ideas for the next few chapters so yaaaaay!

Hopefully I won't get more writers block haha


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