You should really go to bed then darling

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Phil sat in that very stall for two hours, until the day ended, even skipping last lesson because he couldn’t face the comments right now.

When he heard the bell ring, signalling the end of the day, the boy still sat and waited for a while just to be sure he wouldn’t meet anyone in the hallway.

Stepping out into the empty hallway, he made his way back to the drama hall to collect his bag, which had been left a couple hours before.

After collecting his bag from a corner of the deserted place, Phil checked the hallway too make sure no one was around, before starting to make his way out of the school site and way home.

The walk home was quiet and short, although it didn’t seem like that top the raven haired boy, the voices in his head were repeating every single word that had been said to him during the small amount of time he had been in that lesson.

As he approached his house, Phil got out his phone and stared at his reflection on the screen, just to make sure he didn’t look like he had been crying for two hours only half an hour before. The skin around his eyes that had been red and puffy when he left the bathroom had died down and now was almost back to its original ghostly pale colour.

Opening the door, he was greeted by the almost clean sent of the house. This smell always meant that his mother had been cleaning. The boy’s mother was almost never at home, she was always flying around the world on business trips, leaving only Phil and his dad when his brother was off studying at university.

“Hi sweetie” His mother smiled, as she walked past him going into the lounge, ruffling his dark hair as she went.

Phil followed, trying to make use of any time he had with her because he spent of his time not knowing when she would arrive back.

“How was school?” she asked, sitting down in the large armchair in the corner of the room.

He knew this question would come and he was dreading it, “Good,” he replied, smiling weakly.

“What’s up?” his mother inquired, patting the small space next to her for Phil to go and sit down.

Being a terrible liar, Phil just curled himself up into the small space next to his mother, resting his head on her side, “Nothing, I’m just tired” he had decided to go for the easiest option.

“You should really go to bed then darling”

Getting up, Phil walked over to the door and smiled slightly at his mother before rushing upstairs and getting into bed, letting the day’s events slowly slip from his mind as he began to lose consciousness.


A/N: Sorry this chapter was uneventful, but there has to be fillers along the way!

Hopefully I'll be back updating regularly this week! :)


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