No Buts

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The two lay on Dan’s bed next to each other, Phil trying to relax on his front, while Dan rubbed his back. Dan was trying to take in what the boy had told him, he didn’t think that Phil deserved any of this, he’d told Dan that being gay was wrong and his father had been ‘beating it out of him’. In Dan’s opinion, this was horrible, being gay wasn’t wrong, it never would be and he didn’t understand how people thought it.

Dan broke the silence between the two of them, “So is your dad going to be home tonight?” he asked warily.

“Probably,” Phil sighed at the thought, “But he goes away on a business trip in a few days, and then my mum comes back Wednesday, I think.”

“That’s good,” Dan smiled, “You can tell her then.”

The other boy froze in shock, “Dan I- I can’t tell her!”

“Yes you can, from what you said, she seems like she wouldn’t care if you’re gay.”

“It’s not like that…”

“What do you mean?” Dan queried.

“M-my dad said he’d kill me if I told anyone else, or I told mum about him…”

“Shit…” he cursed, “He wouldn’t actually do that, right?”

Sighing, Phil responded, “He probably could, if he’d hurt me anymore a few months ago, I think that I would be dead right now.”

“Oh Phil,” Dan sighed, putting an arm around the hurt boy’s shoulders.

They lay like that for a while, mulling the situation over, until Dan spoke up again, “You can stay here, with me for a while, that’s if you want to… and it’ll save you going back home while your dad’s there, it’s the least I could do for you really…”

“N-no, Dan it’s fine, I-I need to go back to clean up and stuff so I-“ he was cut off by Dan interrupting.

“Shh, Phil you’re staying here until your dad goes, you can use my shower and borrow my clothes okay?” Dan said firmly.

“But wh-”

“No buts Phil, you’re staying here, end of story.”


A/N: Heeeey! It's me again (wow) I'll hopefully update frequently, as I have estimated that Phan will fall in during the next 2/3 chapters, so hopefully you'll stick around until then!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2013 ⏰

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