Small whispers hurt

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Phil woke up the next morning feeling stiff and had a headache, the main reason being he’d slept for about 14 hours in yesterday’s uniform, not having eaten dinner from the night before.

To refresh himself, the black haired boy wandered into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the warm water splash over his skin. Then he dried himself and his hair, before straightening it and starting to get dressed, back into his school uniform, all while the event of drama yesterday played on repeat in his head.

Groggily, Phil walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make himself breakfast. He grabbed the box of Frosted Shreddies and poured them into a bowl, which he added milk to then ate rather quickly as he hadn’t eaten since lunchtime the previous day.

This was the moment he had been dreading. Going to school. Not knowing what would happen once he got there was the most terrifying thing.

As he turned the corner of his road, the dark haired boy saw a figure walking in front of him, the same figure from a few days ago. The sunlight still shone onto his body, it made him look even more gorgeous than he already was.

Phil decided to do the sensible thing, and hang back a few minutes, he didn’t want any more name calling to happen. He had a bad reaction to it yesterday, what if it happened again today? Or tomorrow? Or today and tomorrow? Or for the next month? What about the next year?

Having never really fallen for someone this hard, this quickly before, led Phil to wondering how long it would go on for and how much longer would the name calling happen?


As he walked into the school site, he noticed everyone slowly backing away from him, and some small whisperings of ‘Is that him?’ ‘It’s the fag’ ‘He wants to buttfuck Dan Howell’ and others that were not so quiet.

Phil could feel everyone looking at him, everyone staring at him, everyone judging him, and it hurt.

How had it got around the school so quickly?


A/N: I feel like nothing really happened in this chapter, but I'm kind of stressing at the moment so hopefully once thats all over with this'll get better. I have some drama planned for this soon! ;)


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