"What's straighter, Lester or a round-a-bout?"

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When he felt strong enough, Phil limped home, luckily no one was around to ask questions, stare or call him names. As he stood outside the front door, fumbling for his keys, he composed himself, just so his mother wouldn’t suspect anything, he didn’t feel like telling her. Taking a deep breath, the raven haired boy let himself into his house. Inside it was quiet, he knew that his father would still be at work and he suspected his mother would be upstairs.

Staggering into the kitchen, he noticed a note lying neatly on the kitchen counter, it read:


I have been called out for another business meeting, this one is in Hawaii!

I’ve probably already left the country by them time you’re reading this, but your father will be back at 8pm, I left you money to order pizza if you want it!

Stay safe, I love you.


Sighing with relief, the blue eyed boy returned to his limping position, he knew that he had 3 and a ½ hours before his father was due back, so he decided he would fix himself up before he did anything else.

As he took his shirt off to tend to the cuts on bruises on his tender, slim stomach, he ran the hot water in the sink and used an old rag to clean them. Once he had finished, Phil walked slowly to his room, trying to ease the pain away. It wasn’t too bad, but it still hurt like a bitch.

-A week later-

Since his first beating, Phil had only been beaten up once more. That was when he had been forced to work with a load of douche bags in drama, and Dan.

Walking to school every day Phil would stare at that boy, the same walking home. His little crush was turning more into more than a crush. It felt like love?

But in drama Phil had been put in a group with Dan and a load of other idiots who constantly made remarks on Phil having a ‘crush’ on the chocolate haired boy. They had also called him the usual things that he heard every day, ‘fag’ and ‘freak’. One of the boys in the group, Anthony, had decided it was a good idea to make a ‘joke’ “Hey everyone!” he shouted, so the whole class was listening, “What’s more straight, Lester or a round-a-bout?!” there were giggles coming from the sides of the room. “A ROUND-A-BOUT!” he practically screamed. Everyone laughed.

At this moment Phil couldn’t ignore the ‘jokes’ anymore. He ran out of the hall and towards the same bathroom block he had hid in just over a week ago. Later after the class had finished Anthony and Josh had come looking for him, and they had found him. Then the two boys had given him a quick beating, only consisting of a few slaps with words like ‘freak’ ‘fag’ and ‘weirdo’ in between. This time hadn’t been so harsh, luckily. Just so they wouldn’t be late to their next class, and before leaving the raven haired boy cowering on the floor, Anthony had said “Dan hates you” in a brittle tone, right into Phil’s ear.

The ‘jokes’ and name calling were really starting to get to him.

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