Do you want to tell me what happened?

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The layout of Dan’s house was completely different to Phil’s, they may have lived on the same road, but their houses were totally different.

“Do you want a drink?” Dan asked, walking to the kitchen.

Phil shook his head.

Ignoring this, Dan still filled two glasses with water, he guess that Phil was probably still recovering, after all, he had just tried to kill himself.

The two headed up to Dan’s bedroom, which was just made up of various shades of brown and the occasional brightly coloured object.

Phil could tell from the way Dan sat them that he wasn’t going to let what just happened go easily. He could tell that Dan wanted to ask questions, “Do you want to tell me what happened?” he asked.

The raven haired boy shook his head, looking down into his crossed legs, where his hands were.

Dan reached out and gently took hold of his fragile fingers. Phil flinched at first, he wasn’t used to human contact unless it was harmful, but the boy soon relaxed as the other rubbed the back of his hand. “Phil, you can’t trust me, I’m not gonna you.”

“Why should I tell you? I’m pretty sure you already think I’m a useless fag, so why make it even worse? I think I should just leave.” Phil croaked as he started to get up.

The tanned boy get up with him, “No, no! Phil! I don’t think that at all, I want to be your friend and try and help you!”

Phil stood there for a second, in shock, Dan wanted to be his friend? Wow, maybe he should try and trust him, it wouldn’t make much difference if he did tell anyone, they all hated him anyway. He took a deep breath, “Okay, I’ll tell you…” he mumbled.

“Thank you.” Dan smiled, pulling him into a hug, and walking him over to his bed.

The two sat down, and Phil started to tell his story. “Well, it all started about four months ago in drama class when, someone shouted that I was checking you out, people started calling me ‘fag’ and ‘freak’ and loads more. I ran out of the classroom and went to the toilets on the other side of the school where I sat for the rest of the day. Then a few days later Josh and his friends beat me up and it kept happening, I realised that being gay was wrong and I was worthless. I- I.. I couldn’t cope anymore, so I... well… I started” Phil stuttered and started crying. He couldn’t bring himself to say it, he just hoped Dan understood what he was trying to say. “About a month later my dad found out that I was gay and started hitting me,” he gulped, this was one of the hardest bits to say. “It carried on and I used, it, as a release, I couldn’t cope anymore, so I , I… today, yeah” he hope Dan understood what he was trying to say because he couldn’t explain, he was in tears.

Moving closer, Dan engulfed Phil in an embrace, shh-ed him, rubbed his back and told him to calm down, just like a mother would. “It’s okay Phil you have me.” Dan soothed.

“Thank you.” The other boy mumbled through his tears.

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