There is worse to come

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As Phil walked to his registration room, he could still feel everyone staring. What was wrong with this school? Why did they all suddenly start hating him just because he might be gay? Being gay isn’t wrong…. Is it?

All through the day, the stares stayed, along with the whisperings and shoutings.

Last lesson of the day, Phil had art. It was one of his favourite subjects, the main reason was the way his teacher let the class create whatever they wanted as long as it stuck to the techniques and ideas of the topic they were covering, and now also Dan was in his class.

Before he’d noticed how beautiful Dan looked, the two boy’s had just been acquaintances, the raven haired boy had just noticed him in a few of his classes and never really looked at him.

In the classroom sat around 23 people, all separated out onto desks of 4 desks. In a way it was lucky that Dan and Phil didn’t sit on the same table, as the teasing would never have stopped, as if it did anyway. Phil sat next to one of the rough kids, and the rest of the table was either sluts or complete twats to tried to be as ‘kool’ as the rough kind of kids.

Throughout the whole lesson, the 14 year old, had insults, as well as ‘fag’ and ‘freak’ thrown at him.

As the lesson ended, Phil decided to go into the toilets and stay back, let everyone else go home before him as he didn’t want to hear anymore ‘fag’ for today. Hopefully this would blow over soon.

After about 15 minutes of hiding in a stall, deciding that there would be less people, Phil opened the door and walked out into the empty bathroom before entering the empty hallway. It was then he encountered Josh Fletcher, one of the main bullies in his year, him and his gang approached Phil, but the pale boy kept walking forward trying to get past.

One of Josh’s friends, who he didn’t know the names of, stopped right in front of him, making him come to a halt, Phil looked up to see a ginger haired boy, who looked like an angry rhino, his uniform- well it didn’t even look like anything anymore apart from tatters. The shirt and trousers had rips in and the tie was almost in threads. “Oi Lester! Where do you think you’re going?” he asked in a rough voice.

Phil stared down at his shoes for a second then looked back up and said “Home.” And tried to push through the wall of boys.

“Not just yet.” Josh pushed him backwards towards the bathroom.

Once they were in the bathroom, Phil stood in front of 4 boys, Josh, the ginger one and two others of who again, he didn’t know the names of. All the boys had dropped their bags and where now advancing on the dark haired boy who was taking a step back every time the others took a step forward.

Eventually Phil was pressed up against the tiled wall of the bathroom, which was when Josh took a swing and managed to punch him in the stomach. Instantly Phil clutched his stomach in pain as he felt blood in his mouth. Then the ginger kid kicked him in the leg, making him lose balance and fall to the cold, hard ground. Finally, Josh kicked him hard in the crotch. This made Phil want to cry out in pain, but he couldn’t. It hurt too much to move.

The other boys turned around to pick up their bags, “See ya next time Lester” Josh said cheerfully as they left the bathroom laughing at what they had just done.

Phil rolled onto his back and looked up at the celling and asked why. Why did this happen? And then it occurred to him, there was worse to come.


A/N: I am going to try and update at least every few days as I can usually write parts in about 30 minutes. So have fun with your life until we meet again ^_^

Just because I love you. - Phanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن