I said out

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-1 month later-

Every day the comments kept coming, and they were not getting weaker, but stronger. Each one hurt. Even the start of a sentence “Phil is…” the boy would just run off. Run off and hide to get away from those words.

Each day Phil saw Dan, he believed that he got more beautiful every day. But he, Phil, got uglier, and gay-er each day.

One morning Phil had woken up to his dad shouting for him to go downstairs. His dad wasn’t the nicest of people at the best of times, one of the reasons Phil liked him being away on business trips. But today was different, he didn’t sound like he usual did, grumpy, but angrier, maybe even disgusted.

Before going downstairs they boy put on a hoodie, so his father wouldn’t see the scars that covered his arms, for Phil, cutting had become a daily thing, he just needed an escape from everyone at school.

Walking down the stairs and entering the kitchen, were his father was stood, Phil noticed his face. It was full of anger and disgust. Then he noticed the slip of paper in his hand. And the ones that lay on the kitchen counter. “What is this?!” the man demanded.

Swallowing, Phil took a step forward to get a better look at the paper his father was holding out in front of him, it read ‘PHIL THE FAGS HOUSE’

The first thought that entered Phil mind was why, why had they done this. And why now?

“Is this true?” his father asked again, this time slightly calmer.

The ebony haired boy didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what would happen if he said it was a lie. He had no idea what would happen if he said it was true, he didn’t even know if he father was homophobic, but Phil knew it was wrong, so he must be. Everyone is homophobic, being gay is disgusting.

Thinking about all this made Phil take longer to answer, raising his father’s suspicions. The man, with short, spikey ginger/blonde hair, stood in front of him with his arms crossed.

After snapping out of his trail of thoughts, the 14 year old just shrugged. Apparently this wasn’t a good enough answer for his father. “Answer me properly!”

What’s the worst that could happen? Phil asked himself, it wasn’t like his father could kill him, he could just kick him out for a few days, but as soon as his mother would get back the better, as it meant, if he was kicked out, she would allow him back in. This situation wasn’t getting any better.

“I-I… d-don’t kno-ow” Phil stammered, looking down and bracing for impact. He didn’t want to get hurt.

There was silence for a second.

And another.

And another.

“Out.” His father spoke, pointing to the door.

Phil looked up to his father and didn’t move.

“I said out!” his father slapped him.

“But-“ Phil tried to speak.

Mr Lester slapped him again, then hit him in the stomach. After withstanding all the beatings at school, he knew he could cope with this, so he just walked to the front door, his father following behind him. The man opened the door for him and pushed him out before slamming it in his face.

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