Chapter four -Queen Pacifica?

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"Paz! P-Pacifica! Your b-boyfriend is-is a ZOMBIE!" Gideon slammed the journal shut, shoving it into his navy blue hoodie pocket. He shot from the attic bedroom, running down the wood chair.

"Pacifica, I need to tell you something," 'Norman' said, turning to face Pacifica.

"Please be a vampire please be a vampire," Pacifica thought to herself.

"Well." Norman unzipped his black hoodie. It fell to reveal...

"P-Paz! PACIFICA!" Gideon almost fell flat on his face, stumbling through the people in the Gift Shop.

Pacifica gasped. "Oh." She looked 'Norman' up and down. Or, really, the many Normans.

"Gnomes," the top one said with a low laugh. "We're gnomes. And, I know we just met and all, but..." The top gnome climbed down the rest of the gnomes and got on one knee. "Will you be our queen?"

"Uh..." Pacifica began to smile. "I have to say no." She smiled warmly.

"Well," the little man walked over to Pacifica and sighed. "I didn't want it to come to this, but...we're gonna have to force you."

"Uh..." Pacifica laughed awkwardly. "GID!" She cried out as they attacked her, pulling her into the woods.

"Robbie! Robbie, I need the keys to the golf cart!"

"Promise not to run into pedestrians?"

"I'm going to save Pacifica!"

"Alright, kid," Robbie said, tossing the keys to Gideon. "Don't get killed by gnomes or any other odd thing possibly in those woods." Robbie ruffled Gideon's hair and he thanked the older boy. Running from the Gift Shop, Gideon climbed into the golf cart and turned the key in the ignition.

"I'm coming, Pacifica!" He yelled, slamming his foot on the pedal.

A blue flash distracted Gideon, and he looked over to see Mabel sitting next to him. He squealed and the golf cart began to swerve. "H-how did you...?"

"I do believe he's looking for Pacifica Southeast, sister," Dipper said from the back seat, turning and grabbing the wheel and bringing it back to heading into the woods once more. Gideon began turning into a human tomato.

"Gideon Pines, do you know that what's in those woods are dangerous?" Mabel asked.

"Y-yes, I-I do," Gideon stuttered. "One's got Pacifica."

"What's got Pacifica, exactly?" Dipper asked, making a turn and bringing them to a clearing.

"Uh, uh, a z-zombie. You, uh, promise not to-to think I'm c-crazy like uncle Bud will?"

Mabel smiled, softly. "Oh, come on, lil' Gideon. We're two of the strangest things in this here town."

"So is..." He stopped, remembering what the journal said. 'TRUST NO ONE!' There is one person he will always trust: Pacifica. Gideon stopped the car and got down. The twin got out as well, walking down an overgrown path.

"Coming, Pines?" Dipper asked.

"Uh, y-yeah," Gideon said, running after them. Mabel catches her brother's glowing eyes.

"He has the third journal," she whispered to him, and Dipper smiled. He took her hand and kissed it.

"Thank you," he whispered against her hand.

"It was easy, brother," she mumbled, her heart racing in her chest.

Pacifica closed her eyes, fighting tears, as her hand was grabbed by the leader gnome.

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