Chapter seven -mad hatter

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Twice in two days! Yay! This is basically my way to apologize for not writing for, like, a month. The picture isn't mine, but it's as close as I can get to Brandon on my phone.

Will closed his eyes as the twins' door opened and his Amulets walked out, talking almost silently. "If Stan asks, we just went for a walk," Dipper said as they open the door to the house. Will doesn't respond. The door closes, and Will walks to the second guest room. He knocks on the door, and the boy opens it. "Will, right?" The demon nodded, twiddling his hands nervously.

"W-could you explain t-to me why you w-were eavesdropping on the twins?" He felt odd calling them different from their soul names, but the boy didn't know them.

"I wouldn't know why, Will, but those kids are innocent."

Will looked at his feet before saying, "I may be able to save them. You just gotta shake my hand. I haven't done this in a while, but I remember most important things of the human body."

"What do you mean?"

Will shook Brandon's hand. "I'll explain when no one can hear you." Will tugged on the boy's hand, and pulled Brandon from his own body. Taking the boy's place, Will sighed and looked at the boy's fingers. "Sorry, Suspenders, but I can't have you going around with a secret in your head. My Amulets n-need that j-journal, a-and I...I will do anything to l-let them h-have it." He looked up into the mind scape, where the boy floated. "I'm...I'm sorry."

Gideon woke to the sound of a scream of pain. His eyes shot open, and he tried to sit up. Mabel was sitting on top of him, sharpening a blue handled knife. "Give us the journal, Pine Tree. We need it." Mabel looked at the twelve year old boy with a smile.

"No! You can't have it!"

"Even if I hurt Pacifica?" Dipper asked, faking a pout. He cocked his head to the side.

"She can't get hurt! You can't hurt her!"

"Gideon!" The sob was muffled, and a tear ran down the boy's cheek.

He quickly and desperately looked to his pillow, seeing the eyeglass from the journal peeking from under the pillow. He bit his lip as Mabel loomed over him. "Wonder how pain tolerant you are," she mumbled as she touched the tip of the glittering knife to his cheek. She pressed until his skin broke, a thin line of blood quickly running down his cheek. Pacifica trashed against Dipper's hold, screaming, "no! Please! Please! What's going on, Gideon? Why are we--"

"I suggest you be silent. No one will hear you. Though, I do love your screams."

"You're insane!"

Dipper chuckled. "Sure I am. We both are. Explain your reasoning, my little flower." He leaned down until his lips were at her ear. "Scream again," he whispered, smiling as her breathing hitched in her throat.

"Brother dear, would you like a knife, or to do this on your own?" Mabel asked as she ran the tip of the knife down gideon's cheek and onto his chest, not daring to cut his neck and let him die so painlessly.

"I wish to do this on my own, thank you." Dipper trailer a fingernail down Pacifica's arm. She whimpered. "You're not very pain tolerant, are you?" He pressed harder, bringing blood to the surface.

"Let her go! She didn't find that journal! I did! Torture me! Don't hurt her!" Mabel froze her knife and cocked her head to the side. She smiled.

"That sounds new," she whispered. "Sounds like y'all are hidin' somethin. What would that be?" She twisted the knife as he called out words that would have no meaning to anyone else. Gobblewonker, Gremoblin, Hide-behind, and so many others. All monsters of the forest that Gideon knew about.

"I just want to keep her safe," Gideon whispered, breathing heavy. Mabel had stopped cutting him, but still held the knife to his shoulder, a new place that she hadn't cut yet.

The insane girl hummed a tune that she'd never known before, as her brother bit Pacifica's nose, pressing hard enough to make her bleed. She had been crying for a while, since Gideon had started the list of monsters. Half of her tears were from the pain, and the other half of it from the fact that she knew it hurt him to give up everything he'd been doing this summer for her, a girl he had only just met about a month and a half ago. Dipper, grinning from ear to ear, glanced at his sister as she gleefully cut into the twelve year old boy. They both were having the best of fun, but also knew they should wait until they black out to take the journal. Those kids were both on the summoning wheel for Will, meaning they were important.

Mabel smiled as Gideon cried out in pain, thrashing on the bed. Bud, surprisingly enough, hadn't come up to see why the two were screaming, but then, where was the old man? She pressed harder and a sudden spray of blood hit her hand and the sleeve of her blazer. "Oopsies," she whispered, laughing as Gideon's breathing got ragged ad he fearfully looked at the wound that was gushing blood. Tears fell from his eyes and he looked back up to the grinning fifteen year old girl, who loved pain. "Got an artery."

"A-aren't those REALLY important?!" Gideon asked, wining as the girl's eyes glowed a misty neon blue.

"A-aren't those really important?" Mabel mocked. "Well, yes, if you think about it, but I di'n't cut one too hard. You'll just have a 'ard time running all over the place."

Pacifica was terrified. Her cousin, and best friend, was being cut with a knife. She was being carved by really, really sharp fingernails.

And she thought they were both gonna die that night.

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