Chapter nine -big thing will bring the end

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Whoever's actually reading this, I want to say that you are great. Thanks, peeps.

Gideon and Pacifica were both in the ER, both being placed in emergency care. Bud refused to leave the waiting room, even after he was told that they would be fine by the end of summer. Pacifica was more in pain than ever before, even more than after eating over 1,000 SmileDip packages. She hated pain, and the carvings in her arms, face, stomach, and legs were in some odd symbols that she'd only seen in her cousin's nerd book.

Gideon's eyes were closed, and his heart was going too fast. The cuts all over him weren't helping with his calming down, either. His cuts were mainly just random lines all over, and a hole in his shoulder. Even worse, he was terrified. He was terrified that something would go wrong, and they would die. He was terrified that, now with the journal, the twins would take over the world.

Unless they haven't already.

Mabel pulled on a black blazer, covering her blue tank top. Her muddy boots were already on, and her brother was already wearing clothes that couldn't stain easily, besides his boots.

Mabel pulled a shoulder bag, with the three journals inside, on. She snapped the buttons so that once they started running, the books wouldn't begin falling out. "Wonder where Bud Pines was the night before last," Dipper mumbled, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Who knows, brother dear," Mabel sighed. "He's an old man, and he probably was too asleep to do anything."

"Maybe," Dipper responded, whispering something unknown to Mabel afterwords. It sounded like, "vel homo mortuus est," which roughly meant, "or the man is dead" in Latin.

"If you said what I believe you did, brother of mine, I wish you were right."

Sorry for the small chapter. Gonna make it up to you in the next one.

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