Chapter fourteen -it's the end of the world as we know it

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Ford paced around the living room, rubbing his temples. "I... I don't understand what took the rift."

"Will's been a push-over for three years, ever since the kids were twelve and they found the amulets," Stanley said, stilling his twin by placing his hands on Ford's shoulders. "He can't have it unless he took it to the twins."

"Where are Dipper and Mabel?" Ford asked, glancing at the pictures on the mantle, noticing the sudden change in attitude.

"They're in jail, Pointdexter," Stan said. "They tortured two kids for the third journal."

"Tortured someone?!"

"Two someones. Gideon Pines and Pacifica Southeast."


"For the third journal," Stan said. "Those cousins have the journals, but they've been photocopied. I have every page down in the basement."

"Do those two have signs?"

"I-I think so," Stan said, going to open the door. The twins went down the stairs, and into the room. "That Gideon boy wears a hat with a pine tree on it, and I'm sure that girl has one too. The twins called her something. Uh... Shitting Star? No, uh--"

"Shooting Star, Stanley?"

"That's it," he said. "Yeah."

"We need to prepare, now."

"For what?" Stan was confused, and he turned to face his brother.

Ford placed a kiss to Stan's lips before saying, "for the end of the world."

Brandon smiled. "Yes," he said. "T-that's it. That's the...the g-gismo!" Pacifica was mesmerized by the purple liquid swirling through the orb, and once she looked up at Brandon, she handed it to him gently.

"Just a little more summer?" She was hopeful that he wasn't lying. Please don't be lying.

"Y-yeah," Brandon said, smiling. "Oopsie!" The orb collapse to the dirt, cracking. Brandon started laughing, then it was maniacal, the way a psycho would laugh.

"Hey!" Pacifica turned to face the boy she had found herself to love over the summer, Gideon Pines, standing up to Brandon, gripping journal three tightly in his hand. "Step away from my cousin!" Brandon laughed, moving closer to Pacifica, his eyes practically bursting with blue light.

"You think you can stop us, Pine Tree?" A voice asked, and Ofelia walked from the shadows, a bright blue aura coming from her eyes. "We made a connection with them through our amulets."

"They may be broken, but the magic is still there, inside of these idiots." Mabel's voice continued to leave Ofelia's lips, and Gideon quickly fumbled towards his cousin. Dipper-Brandon snapped his fingers, and Pacifica's eyes lulled closed, a soft sigh leaving her lips.


"It's the end of the world, Gideon Pines. Welcome to the end of reality." Mabel slammed her foot on the rift, and it shattered underneath the black boot.

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