Chapter eight -their broken skin never will heal

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Gideon slowly opened his eyes with a groan. He didn't care how bad the cuts were, how much they continued after they passed out, or how bad he looked, he just looked over to Pacifica with sad eyes. He had screamed so many things last night, hoping something would stop the twins from hurting Pacifica, one of them how he was confused about Pacifica. He thought she had already passed out. He looked into the vanity mirror by Pacifica's bed, seeing each cut. At one point, Mabel had taken his shirt off so that she could add more scars, and the exposed skin was filling up.

He didn't like them one bit, and now he knew exactly how insane they were. "Paz?" He whispered. A whimper came from the girl as she began waking up.

"Kids! Breakfast!" Bud called.

"Oh god." The kids looked to each other, before looking back to their cuts. "We're not hungry right now, Grunkle Bud!" They both called.

"You're always hungry! You okay?"

No. "Yeah!" Pacifica called. Nope. Not one bit.

Mabel smiled, cleaning her hand of dried blood. She hummed a deranged song, rubbing her hands with soap. Her brother touched his lips to her ear, holding his still-wet hands to her waist.

"What're you humming, sister?"

"I don't know," she whispered, leaning her head back onto his shoulder.

"Thank you, for hurting them," Dipper whispered.

"I love pain just as much as you," the girl responded as her hands glowed in bright blue fire, and they both froze for a moment, inspecting the way the water evaporated around Mabel's hands. Dipper kissed her jawline, down to her neck. "We have all three." She had whispered it, her breathing uneven as she lost her concentration.

Will, still in Brandon's body, sat on the bed. He glanced at the door and stood, fumbling for a moment with the feet. "You've been in my body for eight hours. How are you still having trouble?"

"It's been over 800 years since I had a body other than my own. I didn't do much along the lines of walking. I normally just...teleport."

"Why aren't you studdery anymore?"

"I'm not terrified of my getting hurt, I won't until I get out of my own body." Will sighed and opened the door. He knocked on his Amulets' door, waiting until Dipper opened it to say anything. "I...I did something, Amulet," he whispered. Dipper took Will's hand and pulled him inside the room.

"How did this happen?" Dipper asked, beginning to pace back and forth.

"H-he overheard y-you and your p-plans, and, and he w-wanted to s-stop you. I...I lied to get h-him to s-stop. A-and now, y-you're back, a-and I can't... Can't g-get o-out."

"Tire the body out, Will," Mabel said from the bathroom, and she peeked her head out. She had a bruised lip, and now that Will was looking for it, so did Dipper.

"I-I've been trying for eight hours," Will said, flinching at Dipper's expression.

"Isn't it working, Will Cipher?!" Dipper snarled, and Will jumped up, tumbling into a nearby wall.

"I d-don't k-know, Amulet." Dipper struck him to the floor, causing the demon to give a cry.

Ofelia was woken by a cry of shock, and then a large thump. She knew that voice. She got from her bed, ignoring the fact that she was dressed in only a nightgown, and ran into the hallway. She stumbled up to Brandon's door, fumbling with the doorknob. The twins' bedroom door opened, and Brandon stumbled out, holding a hand to his cheek. "Amulets, please!" He sobbed, his eyes glowing a bright blue, with a black slit for an iris.

"Brandon!" She ran to him, tumbling into him.

"Miss Ofelia, darlin', I suggest you move away. Our demon needs tendin'," Mabel said.

"Demon? Will?"

"I-I'm so, so s-sorry, ma'am. I-I d-didn't m-mean to."

"He's still in Brandon's body, Gleefuls," Ofelia said. "Don't hurt him. Not until he's out of Brandon's body."

"He should get out soon," Dipper growled before turning on his heels and walking into the room.

"You're lucky you're on his good side, Ofelia, dear." Mabel showed a hit of a smile, before turning and following her brother. Ofelia glanced at Will, before turning away with a small grunt.

"Get out soon, Will," Ofelia whispered. "Get out soon."

Gideon threw his pillow across the room, wincing as he accidentally used the shoulder Mabel had cut the artery of. "What's up, cuz?" Pacifica asked, curled up in her bed.

"They have the journal. The have the journal, Paz! They can rule the world now!"

"They might just like reading about nerd stuff like you," Pacifica whispered.

"Sure, Paz. Two sociopaths, with an obsession with pain, totally want the journal just to read it."

"I have a feeling you're being sarcastic," Pacifica said.

"Of course I am, Pacifica," the boy groaned.

"We can just defeat them tomorrow." Pacifica rolled over, closing her eyes. The door opened, Bud poking his head in.


"We got hurt in the woods last night...?" Gideon tried.

"Trees did this to you both?!"

"No," Gideon said, looking down. "Paz and I got attacked by sociopaths last night."

"For what reason?" Gideon shrugged, gasping and clenching his eyes shut as pain ripped through him. Bud looked between the kids, before closing his eyes. "You both need to go to the hospital. Why didn't you wake me when you got home?"

"We were home," Pacifica said. "We were screaming at the tops of our lungs. Where were you?"

"Wait, Paz. They might have created a sound barrier."

"Who's they? You were in the house?"

The cousins looked to each other, saying at the same time, "the Gleeful twins."

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