Chapter 3- My first love

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Spencer's POV

I sit down as I wait for Aria to come. I know I'm a few minutes early. I decided I should text Toby. But wait what would I text him? If I text him hey or good morning it might be like I'm flirting with him. Ugh it's so comp-.
I get interrupted by my phone beeping. It's probably Aria saying she's on her way.

Hey best friend

A text from Toby?!?! Oh my god, this is great. And he called me best friend!!!
I quickly respond back

Heyyy best friend

Once I send it Aria appears. I stand up to hug and greet her, "Hey girl!"

"Hey, it's so nice to see you and to just have a Sparia talk. We are still team Sparia right?" She says and laughs.

"Of course, Team Sparia forever and by the way, you're still really tiny and I love you," I say and laugh as well.

"I miss having those talks, so anyways what's up?" She asks as we both sit down.

"Nothing much I just really wanted to talk to someone and you're really the only person that probably feels the same way I do." I say to her

"What is it?" She asks in concern. Just as she says that my phone beeps again. I look down to see a message from Toby.

Want to hang later? We need to catch up more ;)

Omg Toby wants to hang yeah!!! I'll answer him after my talk with Aria. "So I have a question do you still love Ezra?"

She just stares at me. " I mean I know you guys haven't dated in 5 years but do you still love him?"

"Well... I don't really know to be honest. He was my first real love. I don't think I'll ever get over him. I've tried but I never was able to fall in love with someone else, you remember like Jake and Andrew, I guess in some ways I still am in love with him." She says, I can tell she's getting choked up about thinking of him again. " I miss him a lot. Why do you ask?"

"Because I think I'm still in love with Toby. I know he's over me but I'm not over him. Just like you said, Toby was my first love. I lost my virginity to him, I talked to him when I was down, he was my safe place to land and now all of that's gone. We once were so in love, then it all crumpled because of our distance. I don't even know what to do." I open up to her and sigh in frustration.

"Aw Spence, I thought I was the only person who couldn't get over their first love. You know because it's so easy for Hanna and Emily. They've already gotten over them. Team Sparia is just not like that," she tries to crack a joke.

"Have you spoken to Ezra?" I ask her curiously.

" No, he just recently published a book though. Do you think I should contact him? I've been thinking about it but I'm just not too sure."

"Yeah and just see what happens, it can't make anything worse than it already is." I say to her honestly.

"Are you gonna talk with Toby?"
"Yeah I guess I will."
" I'm glad we had this talk, nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. It's good to have someone else on the same page as me." She says looking at me and smiling.

We both stood up from our seats to part ways. As I was walking away I pulled out my phone to text Toby.

Yeah that would be great best friend ;)

Spoby- 5 years forwardWhere stories live. Discover now