Chapter 7-not over Toby

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Spencer's POV
Toby and I are hanging out at his apartment. I love hanging out with Toby and I'm glad we still can be friends.
"So Hanna really set up dates for you?"
He says and laughs.
"Yeah she was so excited to, yesterday I had a date with Travis."
"Is that the guy she dated for a few weeks?"
"How'd that go?"
"It went well we actually are gonna have another date tomorrow"
"Oh nice"
"Yeah, and I just got back from a date with Lucas"
"Lucas? The Lucas I know?"
"Yeah" and I laugh
"Oh my gosh" he laughs
"I know"
"How'd that go?"
"It was okay but he talked about his ex girlfriend the whole time so yeah we aren't having a second date"
"What a shame"he laughs again. Gosh I love his laugh. I could just listen to him laugh all day.
"And tonight I have a date with Caleb"
"Caleb? Really?" He sounded so jealous
"Yeah" I giggle
"Yeah but I'll probably just be catching up with him i don't think it will get serious"
"You're so cute" I laugh but then I realized what I said" I mean when you're jealous"
" I'm not jealous"
"You just a better not forget I'm your best friend"
"I won't"
I go to the ice cream place and I spot Caleb immediately.
"Hey Caleb"
"Hey Spencer" he hugs me.
"Gosh it's been so long"
"I know right. Alright well let's go get ice cream." I order cookie dough and he orders rocky road.
"So how's life Caleb?"
"Eh it's ok, have a great life but to be honest it's kind of hard without Hanna. I know we're technically on a date but it's just something I needed to say"
"Hey it's ok I mean I know how you feel"
"Still not over Toby?"
"It's so hard because Hanna is engaged which means she's already over me"
"I know what you mean, Toby has a girlfriend"
"Yeah and they just said i love you to each other the other day, so no chance Toby isn't over me, but he kissed me a few days ago."
"Yeah and it felt so good"
"So you still talk to him"
"Yeah we're still like best friends but it's so hard because we aren't dating. Do you and Hanna still talk?"
"Nope she only talked to me to set up this date"
We had a good conversation we eventually got off the topic of Hanna and Toby. It was time to leave.
"Spencer I had a really good time with you"
"Me too, we definitely need to do this again"
"Yeah I like talking to you, you know as a friend."
"Same, well bye" I kiss him on the cheek as I do with all my dates
"Bye text me"

Toby's POV
I'm bored and I decide to text Spencer.
She replies seconds later
S:Hey what's up
T:nothin really can't sleep lol
S:wanna hang
T:spence it's 11 pm
S: so?
T:ok lol lets hang then
S: alright I'll be over your house in 20 mins
T:ok best friend
20 minutes pass by and Spencer is here. Wow she has good timing.
"Hey spence"
"Hey boo"
"So how was your date?"
"Good, we're gonna be hanging again soon" she is? I thought she said it wasn't going to be getting serious?
"You are? You said it wasn't getting serious."
"It's not we're just friends"
"Stop getting jealous" she teases
"I'm not I just don't want to be replaced."
"You already replaced me"
"I mean as your best friend not as your boyfriend"
"Oh well you're not going to be replaced, best friends forever"
"Ok sorry I was getting jealous"
"It's ok"

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