Chapter 4-Where did we go wrong?

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Spencer's POV

Toby and I decided to meet at my old house. He's gonna be here in a few minutes so I decided to put on some more mascara while I wait for him.
I hear a knock on my door, he's here! I walk downstairs.

"Hey Tobes," I say opening the door and smiling at him.

"Hey Spence," he says and he hugs me in a tight embrace. Oh my goodness,this is not really helping me get over him.

"So where's your mom?" He asks as he steps through the doorway of my house.

"Oh, uhm, she and my dad are staying in Philly visiting Melissa for a few days, even though I just got back," I tell him as I shut the front door.

"How's Melissa?" He asks looking back at me.

"I'm not so sure honestly, I haven't talked to her much. I think she might be going through a hard time right now because her and Wren got married; then divorced. They also had two kids together."I say. I make a motion with my hand to tell him to follow me to the living room so we don't have to keep talking awkwardly in the middle of the entryway.

"Her and Wren got married?"He asks shocked as he followed closely behind.

"Yeah she eloped again like she did with Ian," I say to him just as we reach the living room for us to sit.

"Oh" he says awkwardly as he sits on the couch.

"Yeah,' I say probably feeling just as awkward as he is. I sit about a foot away from on the couch also. "So how is Jenna?" I ask trying to keep this conversation alive and not dead.

"I'm not really sure either, we don't talk anymore. She moved to Florida with Sydney and i haven't heard from her since. I guess both our sisters just decided to shut us out of their lives." He says with a light laugh at the end.

"Yeah, it really does suck honestly." I say sighing at both the fact that I just realized I missed my sister and that this conversation and energy between us is getting a little weird.

"Yeah it does, soooooo anyways change of subject, I want to hear about you." He says looking over at me and smiling.

Wait he wants to hear about me? Awe, that's so sweet. Does this mean that he still might like me? But he's with Yvonne now and he likes her...right? I mean they are going out after all.

"You want to hear about me?" I asked shocked at what he chose as a topic changer.

"Yeah what has Spencer Hastings been up to for the past two years of her life? I want to know."He says looking at me sweetly and nudging me with his elbow.

I laugh lightly, "Well not really much to be honest. It's just a normal boring life." I say vaguely because I still get nightmares about A but I don't want to tell him about them. He doesn't need to know, "How about you? Anything going on with Toby Cavanaugh?" I ask nudging him back a little too.

"Well obviously I got a new girlfriend, who you met earlier, a few months ago. Oh, and I might be getting promoted at work." He says.

"Well that's great! See look you already have a more interesting life than me." I say and smile at him.

"Do you have a boyfriend right now or anyone in your life?" He asks looking down at his hands which are resting on his lap.

"No...I haven't had a boyfriend in two years."

"Really?"He asks sounding really surprised.

"Why's that so surprising?" I laugh as I say it.

"I thought you would have been dating someone right now I guess. Why aren't you?" He asks looking up at me.

"I mean, I've been on a few dates but haven't gotten past a second date. Just can't find the right person I guess." I say and then regret my choice of words. Ugh, I want him to think I still love him and not trying to find someone else.

"Oh," He says looking a little awkward.

"Toby?" I ask him looking at him.

"Hm?"He asks looking back at me.

"We're friends right?" I say biting my lip a little and looking down at my lap.

"Yeah, we are best friends, why?"

"I just wanted to ask you a question. Where did we go wrong?"I say looking back up at him and staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

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