Chapter 16

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Spencer's POV
It's been a day since Toby proposed to me and the smile on my face still hasn't faded. Right now I'm talking to Hanna on the phone, I want her to help me plan the wedding.
"Wow spence I can't believe we are both engaged" she sounds so excited.
"I know right, five years ago I would've never guessed that this would happen, you know with A and everything"
"Yeah I know what you mean. I never thought it would end. I never thought I would have a life to get back to"
"Glad Charlotte decided to end the game and glad she's locked up where she can't get to us"
"Yeah. So when do you get back from London?"
"About two weeks"
"Okay, as soon as you get back we have to plan your wedding"
"Okay talk to you soon, love you Hanna banana" I laugh because I used to call her that all the time in high school.
"Love you too spence" she says laughing and then I hang up.
"Hey spence" Toby says walking into the room.
"Hey babe"
"Who were you talking to?"
"Oh just Hanna, she's gonna help plan our wedding"
"Well I'm gonna get to help too right?" He asks looking a little offended.
"Yeah. Of course, why are you mad?"
"I'm not mad but you didn't even ask if Me if I minded if Hanna helped"
"Toby it's not that deep, I didn't think you would mind, it's just I know she's good at planning things like this. I'm sorry that I didn't ask first" I say and look down. Toby walks closer to me and lifts up my chin and looks into my eyes.
"Spence don't be sorry. I'm sorry for making it a big deal. "
"It's just I want it to be perfect. You know how I always have to be perfect at everything."
"Spence, it's going to be perfect. It's going to be perfect because I'm going to be marrying the most perfect beautiful girl in my eyes." He says and pecks me on the lips.
"I love you Toby" I say and pull him in for a hug.
"I love you too"
"Wanna go get some food?"I ask as I walk to put on my shoes.
"Yeah give me five minutes to get ready." He says and walks into the bathroom. Then he walks out and says "Hey Spence, did you call your parents yet?"
"Oh no I forgot, maybe I should do that now before it's too late."
I dial my mom's number and it rings three times before she picks up.
"Hey Spencer"
"Hey Mom"
"How's London?"
"It's great, I have some exciting news"
"You do?"
"Yeah, Toby proposed to me"
"He did?"
"Spencer that's great. I always he knew he was the one after awhile."
"As soon as we come back to rosewood we are going to plan the wedding"
"Spencer this is so great. I'm so happy for you sweetie. I hope this marriage lasts unlike Melissa's"
"It will"
"Alright well I have to go Spencer I'll talk to you later"
"Okay bye mom"

Toby walks into the room after I hang up. "Everything ok?"
"Yeah she's very excited"
"I remember when she didn't even like me."
"Well she didn't know you then. That's was when everyone including me thought you killed Ali. I'm still sorry about that"
"It's fine, spence lets go get food now."
"Okay" and we walk out the door.

Spoby- 5 years forwardWhere stories live. Discover now