Chapter 14- Never did Never will

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Toby's POV
I can't believe I'm actually going to be dumping Yvonne. I mean I'm glad that I get to be with Spencer now, but I never thought I would be dumping her. I feel like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders.

As I arrive at her house I see her on the porch with Travis. I walk up there and she looks confused to see me there.
"Hey Toby." she says with a smile on her face, "What are you doing here?" She asks sweetly.

"Yvonne, I need to talk to you." I say with no emotion and a straight face.
"Why do you sound so serious?" She asks worried and confused.
"Because I need to talk to you." I said, "Now."
"Okay okay, talk then." She says waving her hand for me to continue.

"Yvonne. There isn't a easy way to say this so I'm just going to come out and say it. We're done. I'm breaking up with you." I say looking at her

"What?" She sounds so hurt. She's such a good actress.
"We. Are. Done." I repeat myself again annoyed. She looks directly at Travis and says, "What did you do?"
"I didn't say anything."
"Then how does he know?"she questions him.
"How do I know what?"I say barging in on their exchange.

"That I cheated on you and I was using you." she confesses to me with no emotion at all now. The emotion earlier that made her sounded hurt is now gone. Wow she just confessed it right up and didn't even lie about it, even though I didn't accuse her.

"What?" I ask her.
"Wait you didn't know?" She asks confused and I shake my head no. I may be lying but I wasn't going to just sell out Spencer and Travis like that. They're my friends.
"Then why are you breaking up with me?"
"Because I've realized I still love Spencer and it's not fair to you that I don't love you."
"You what?"
"I don't love you, never did never will."
It looks like she's fake crying.
"Toby but I love you"
"No you don't" says Travis jumping in.
"No Yvonne, I can't stand it anymore. You don't love him, you used him."
"Wow thanks Travis"
"Yvonne, I love you"
"I know that's just stupid for me to say but Yvonne I love you"
"I'm sorry Travis but I'm in love with someone else"
"What are you talking about?" Travis asks looking really confused.
"I'm sorry Travis, but I've been dating John and I've fell in love with him."
"Who the hell is John?"
"Someone I didn't tell you about. I've been dating him for over a year"
"Okay, so I'm just gonna leave you two can work this out" I say awkwardly just trying to get out of here. I walk into my car. Wow. What a crazy slut. So she had like three boyfriends at the same time. Why did I ever fall for her?

I'm sorry this chapter is really bad lol. I promise the next chapters will be better because Yvonne will finally be out of the picture!

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