Chapter 3 (Short)

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"What was the point of this? Did you really take me out of class so I could cook you something?" Shion asked as he raised an eyebrow at the blonde boy who walked in front of him. "Do you even eat the type of food humans do?"

"Shut it." Shu simply replied as they made their way to the kitchen. Honestly, it was Shion's first day of school and he was already skipping?

"Besides, you owe me. I did let you keep my scarf." Shu said as he opened the kitchen door.

"I didn't even ask for it! It was in my room!" Shion replied in an aggravated tone.

Maybe that wasn't such a good thing..

Shu turned around sharply and practically slammed Shion against the wall. His fangs were being clearly shown as he glared at Shion's brightly colored eyes. "You may be cute, but don't think that'll get you anywhere. Especially with me." Shu practically growled at him and dropped him to the ground.

Shion sunk to the floor and panted for breath. He rubbed his now red neck. Shu had put a hand to his neck and had choked him. Shu had let him go and now went to the cabinets to pull out all the supplies Shion would need to cook.

And now he wants me to make him food? After he almost killed me?? Shion thought as he shakily stood to his feet. Shu was strong and Shion knew that now. He was on the brink of passing out when Shu had let him go. Shion also knew that he would have marks from that incident. He inwardly groaned at the thought of what all the others would do.

"Make sure you cover your neck with that scarf. If anyone sees I'll be in trouble." Shu said in a monotone.

"But what if they.. You know.. Your brothers. Both Ayato and Reiji have already.. Yea you know.." Shion avoided looking at Shu as Shu glanced over him. Without another word, Shion began working on Shu's food that he requested.

"It hurt didn't it? The fangs I mean." Shu finally asked after a long moment.

"Of course it hurt.. But I don't mind it. Well.. It's not like I really have much of a choice.." Shion replied quietly as he chopped up an onion. Then Shu laughed. Quickly, Shion looked up and raised an eyebrow at the odd action. . "What's so funny?"

He did have to admit; his laugh was cute. Attractive? He didn't want to admit that after what just happened.

"The fact that you understand that already! Do you know how many people that have been sent over to us before you? Do you know how long it took them to comprehend that?" Shu laughed and leaned back on the counter. "Well, you aren't as stupid as I thought, Huh?"

Shion rolled his eyes. "Well I'm glad I live up to your standards." It was in a playful tone and he was hoping Shu would take it that way. After all, he was still scared of him. Shion just chose not to show it. He knew Shu would only taunt him about it.

"Oh, by the way.." Shion was suddenly grabbed by his blazer collar and dragged over to where Shu was. He then hopped off the counter and laid Shion down upon a large windowsill; only to hover himself a few centimeters over him. "I want a taste.. It's not fair Reiji and Ayato got one."

"B-But.. Shu! We're in school!" Shion replied with in a hesitant yet hurried tone. He was more afraid of getting caught then getting bitten. It didn't hurt much from what he's experienced so far. That wasn't his true worry.

"Will it make you feel better if I kissed you?" Shu said so simply. Shion's cheeks dusted with Crimson and he widened his eyes. He hadn't even really noticed he was pinned down to the windowsill.

Honestly, does he not have any shame at all? You don't just offer to kiss someone you hardly even know!!

"S-Shu wait a minute! Can't you do this later?? What about the food!?" Shion squirmed under him. However, before he knew it, Shu's lips were pressed against his.

This is.. My first kiss.. With a male? Shion's eyes widened when their lips had been pressed together, but Shu's eyes were closed. Why was he even..?

His lips were warm and soft.. Nothing like he really expected from a vampire, but they were; and hell did they taste sweet. Shion didn't kiss back, but his eyes eventually closed. After all, it wasn't like he could do much in this situation. If he squirmed or tried to get away, he was afraid of what Shu would do. However, he wasn't really enjoying it; or not that he would admit.

Finally, he pulled away. Instead this time, he went for his neck and without any hesitation, his fangs sunk into his neck. Shion winced and gripped his hands into fists. His head was turned to the side and his eyes were shut tightly. Those damn noises again. It was very erotic. Especially with Shu's voice being so deep, but after a minute, he pulled away.

"Sweet... Your lips too.. No wonder why they all wanted a taste.." Shu said in a whisper like tone as he licked his lips. "I'm not done just yet.."

"W-What?? Shu!" Before he knew it, Shu had dug his fangs into him again. This time, right on the area in which his hand was on earlier. It caused Shion to yelp loudly in pain and arch his back as his feet pushed helplessly against the window sill.

It hurt. This one hurt a lot; and by the time Shu pulled away, Shion had tears streaming down his face. Shu didn't hesitate. He simply stood up and walked out of the kitchen while Shion sat on the windowsill trying to wipe away his tears.

"D-Damn him.. Damn the food.. D-Damn everything..!" Instead of moving, he curled into a ball on the windowsill corner and continued to try and dry his tears.

"Stop crying. There's no reason too." An unknown voice came from the door. When Shion turned to look, he was caught by surprise.

"S-Subaru..? What.." Shion stuttered on his words as he hastily tried to wipe his tears. Now he felt pathetic and he wasn't even sure why.

"I said stop crying. Don't you listen?" Subaru asked in a frustrated tone.

"I can't just stop crying you asshole! I can't control it bastard!" Shion yelled back in reply. He hadn't been paying attention, but when Subaru started to suddenly walk towards him, Shion pressed further into his corner. Subaru reached a hand out and did the exact opposite of what Shion thought he would do.

He cupped his cheek and whipped a tear from his cheek.

Shion sat there for a moment. Too shocked and surprised to even really say anything. Kneeling down, Subaru was now in height with the windowsill and he looked at him.

"Everyone in class was looking for you. Shu told me where you were and what happened." Subaru strained his neck a bit and saw the two fang marks and the one around his neck. "So he really tried to choke you, Huh?"

"Don't look at it like that.." Shion went to grab the scarf to cover the mark, but dropped it. It belonged to Shu. I don't want to owe that bastard anything anymore.

"Are you scared?" Subaru asked as he watched Shion carefully.

"Not of you.. I'm scared of Shu.." Shion replied quietly.

"Well, he wanted me to tell you he was sorry. However, knowing Shu, he won't say it to your face cause he's a coward. Now, clean your face. You have to get back to class." Subaru said as he stood up and looked at Shion.

"But the marks!" Shion replied hastily.

"Everyone in here already knows what we really are. Besides, they'll understand." Subaru answered.

He didn't have much of a choice anyways. Shion had to go. So, that's exactly what he did. He didn't want to of course, but he was scared of what the others would do when they found out about him not going to any of his classes. This was horrible. Everything was.

It's like he was a slave to them. Livestock was pretty much what he was. They didn't truly care about him. They simply just wanted his blood. That was true and he knew it. If there was someone else with blood like his, they'd kill him in an instant. No hesitation.

Why did my father think this was a good place to send me too? Why did he kick me out in the first place?! I didn't do anything wrong! Was this... Did he send me here intentionally?

~End of Chapter 3~

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