Chapter 6

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"He really doesn't remember anything, does he?"

"Not from what we can see. The last thing Shion recalled was Ayato."

"Okay, listen here. I am not a thing!"

"You're annoying like one."

"And who says you aren't too?!"

Shion was sitting quietly on the couch with the long towel wrapped around his body and he looked up at the arguing boys. Shu and Ayato were at it again and Kanato was simply just sitting next to Shion. Raito had sat down on the opposite side of Shion. While Reiji and Subaru sat back and watched the boys argue.

"They never did used to argue so much like this.." Kanato suddenly said in a quiet tone. "I think it's because you are here.. Everyone wants to claim you as theirs.."

"H-Huh? But I'm not anyone's!" Shion replied quickly. However, Raito suddenly grasped his chin and turned his face so they were now looking each other in the eyes.

"I would correct that statement if I were you, Little Bitch." Raito said with a small growl and an imp like smirk.

"Enough, Raito. Leave Shion alone for right now." Reiji demanded in a firm tone as he fixed his glasses and looked over at the perverted vampire.

"I really don't remember much. I remember the first time I saw Ayato when I walked in, but up until that point, I can't remember anything." Shion said quietly as he looked up at Reiji.

"What are we going to do? At least he remembers us. Isn't that all we need?" Subaru asked.

"I suppose we will have to leave it alone for now." Reiji replied as he gave a sigh and rubbed his temples. "Someone take him to his room."

"I'll do it!" Ayato volunteered first of course.

"No, I will. Shion doesn't want Ayato to take him." Shu said sarcastically.

"I think you two should stay down here and I will take Little Bitch to his room!" Raito practically growled at the other two volunteers.

"I shouldn't even have bothered.." Reiji shook his head and sighed. "Since you are all acting like a bunch of children, Subaru will take him."

"Huh? Why me?!" Subaru asked in an irritated tone.

"Because you weren't fighting." Reiji had replied calmly.

"Kanato wasn't either! Why can't he take him?!" Subaru gestures towards Kanato; who at the moment, seemed very interested in his teddy bear.

"Because if Kanato attempts to drink from Shion, he might drain him dry. Now, go." Reiji demanded as he glared at Subaru.

"I-I can just go by myself you know! I know where my room is!" Shion said quickly, afraid that he might be told off for even giving his opinion.

Why is Reiji making Subaru take me anyways? Shu, Raito, and Ayato volunteered. I mean, he could of just picked one. Shion thought to himself.

Reiji just shook his head and that's when Subaru gave a loud sigh and walked towards Shion.

Shion just huffed and started walking towards his room. He then felt Subaru's hand press against his back and he led him down the hall. Shion looked up and shot a small glare at him.

"I can lead myself." Shion mumbled in an irritated tone as he moved his hand away.

Subaru didn't like that.

He grabbed Shion's hand and pinned it behind him as he roughly pushed Shion to a wall. Shion gasped and winced as he shut his eyes tightly.

"Don't act all high and mighty over me because I'm actually nice to you. Remember I can still tear you apart." Subaru growled in his ear as he suddenly sank his fangs into Shion's neck.

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