Chapter 7

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Shion woke up. The only problem was that he had absolutely no idea where he was.

He was on a couch. It was comfortable, but what the hell was he doing there?

Wait.. Wasn't he in a towel?

Shion quickly looked down and sighed in relief. However, these weren't his clothes.

Someone had put a red jacket on him that didn't even have full sleeves and simple black pants. It was weird though.

Where the hell am I? And who's clothes are these?

In reality, the jacket that he wore smelled good, but it was awkward. He didn't own it and wearing someone else's clothes didn't seem right.

Shion looked around and didn't really notice anything odd.

Until he saw something in the corner.

He quickly tried to move further back in the seat and silently, he was wishing it was at least one of the boys he was living with.

If Shion looked closer, he could see a small ray of sunlight glinting off of a streak of blonde hair; and almost immediately, he called out the first name that came to his head.

"Shu?.."  Shion mumbled quietly as he hesitantly moved closer.

"Shu? That's one of those other boys, huh? Oh is he your boyfriend?" Who ever it was asked in a teasing tone as he finally stepped into the light.

He wasn't all that bad looking. He had messy blonde hair that was styled in a cute way and a baby blue eye. Shion couldn't see the other eye, so he couldn't tell whether or not the other eye was blue as well.

Shion didn't respond, he just watched whoever this was closely.

"Ah well okay then! I'll just introduce myself! I'm Kou Mukami!" The boy announced as he walked toward him. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself too?"

"No. You kidnapped me. Why would I do that?" Shion said in an aggravated tone as he looked away.

He suddenly felt a hand around his throat and he was picked up from the couch and slammed to the floor. Shion gasped for breath and grabbed at his wrist.

"Don't test me. I'll do what I want with you. So that means, if you don't feel like dying, introduce yourself." The grip around Shion's neck grew tighter.

"S-Shion.. Shion..!" He managed to gasp out as the grip eventually loosened.

Kou stood up and grabbed Shion in order to stand him up as well and he put his hands on his shoulders.

"Well then! I think the others would be happy to see your awake now!" Kou smiled as if nothing happened just a few minutes ago and turned around to start walking. He paused and looked back.

"Oh and those are my clothes you're wearing!" Kou started to walk off again and hesitantly, Shion began following him.

It was a very pretty mansion. Well, at least Shion would call it a mansion.

He had no idea if it was as big as the one he was currently living in, but he wanted to leave. Shion didn't know how and didn't know if he even had a chance, but he wanted to leave.

Eventually, they got to a big bedroom and Shion raised an eyebrow to where Kou was leading him.

Shion was afraid to talk though. At least to ask where he was leading him, but he was scared.

Suddenly, there was three other boys in the room. Shion had gasped as he felt someone behind him and he tripped over his own foot.

"Sorry!.. I hadn't mean to frighten you.." Shion quickly looked up to see who it was and saw a boy maybe about only sixteen. What was he apologizing for?

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