Chapter 10

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(This chapter does have mature language. Such things as profanities. Just a small warning~)

This is not what Shion wanted.

"S-Shi..on..?" Azusa choked out as he gripped onto him.

Shion's eyes were brimming with tears. Why was he crying in the first place? He hardly even knew Azusa! So why did he feel so horrible? So guilty?

"A-Azusa I.." Shion quickly pulled the dagger out of Azusa's chest and he dropped to the ground.

There was no way to fix this.

"Azusa!" Shion dropped to his knees next to Azusa's bleeding out body. That's when he felt the tears start to drip down his cheeks.

"I didn't.. Azusa I didn't mean too!" Shion quickly pulled Azusa's head onto his lap.

Azusa was dying.

"I-I'm sorry for frightening you.. I shouldn't have.." Azusa cut himself off by coughing and he gripped at his chest.

Shion felt horrible. He never wanted to kill anyone. This wasn't something he wanted. Especially not Azusa. He didn't hurt him. He didn't touch him or feed from him. He was a sweet person.

An innocent person that Shion killed.

"Why are you apologizing?? Azusa!" Shion could feel the hot tears pouring down his cheeks like a waterfall.

Where were his brothers? Couldn't they help him? Couldn't they heal him? Some way, just please!

"I..I hate frightening such... Such nice people.. They don't deserve that kind of..." Azusa gripped onto Shion's shirt as it then started to grow weaker. "That kind of.. P-Pain..."

That was it.

The hand that gripped onto Shion's shirt had dropped to his side. There was no heartbeat like always and his body was still always cold, but somehow in some way, it was empty. Azusa's body felt colder. His body felt empty like it once held a heartbeat that just now stopped.

Shion could do nothing but cry now. He gripped onto the clothing that covered the pale lifeless skin. With one last mumbled apology, he gently laid his head on the floor and took one glance at him before running off.

He tripped over his own feet as he ran. His eyes blurred with tears as he suddenly made it outside.

That's where they were waiting.

Yuma had his hands clenched in fists as he glared at Shion with a horrible look. Ruki just looked at Shion with a look of disappointment and Kou? Kou was looking at him like he was a piece of meat that a tiger or lion would find tasty.

Shion held his hand to his chest as he took a step back and attempted to start running.

He heard someone yell and through his blurred vision, Shion could see the four boys running towards him.

Too late.

Kou grabbed Shion and held the same dagger to his throat. When did he get that from me?!

When Shion attempts to look at him, he noticed Kou had tears in his eyes.

"Back the fuck off! Don't touch him! Why would you.. Why would you kill Azusa?! What the fuck did he do?!" Kou yelled as Shion flinched. He could feel the dagger pressing into his skin.

This only brought more tears to Shion's eyes.

Ruki and Yuma stood a little behind Kou; one on each side of him.

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