Chapter 8

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~Just a small little warning. There will be a veeeery little piece of sexual content in here, but not enough to go over board!~

Shion squirmed and fidgeted against the wall as Yuma's face got closer. Well, at least Shion understood what kind of person he was.

"Should I kiss you? Maybe your lips will taste as sweet as you smell.." Yuma said in a breathy tone as he leaned in and pressed his lips against Shion's.

Shion's eyes widened and he squirmed underneath Yuma. Once he managed to turn his face away, he was panting softly.

"You know.. If you didn't fight us so much, it would be so much more fun." Yuma growled lowly at him as he raised an eyebrow. "Did you let those Sakamaki's touch you like this? Or maybe.."

Suddenly, before Shion could protest, a knee went between Shion's leg and to his crotch. His eyes widened and he went to whine in discomfort, but Yuma covered his mouth.

"Maybe they've touched you here?" Yuma asked him in a low and sensual tone.

Shion shook his head side to side and tried to move from his knee, but only ended up pressing himself further against it. He whined in discomfort as Yuma suddenly began moving his knee around.

"I know you want to enjoy this. Is it just your pride getting at you?" Yuma asked as he looked at Shion and tilted his head to the side.

Shion managed to get his hands loose and collided his hands with Yuma's chest. He stumbled a bit and Shion took the chance to attempt and run away. However, Yuma grabbed his wrist and yanked him back. An arm around his waist as Shion was pressed against his front.

"How rude." Yuma growled and slammed his lips against Shion's.

He pressed his hand to the small of his back as the other slowly started to slide to the front of his pants.

"Yuma! If you're horny.. You should go somewhere else.. Don't use Shion for that.." A slow voice suddenly sounded from behind them and Yuma pulled away; Shion taking a huge step back.

It was Azusa. Just as Shion was supposed to be looking for him. Shion practically thanked everything that Azusa had shown up just now.

"Tch, Yea whatever." Yuma growled as he shot a glance at Shion before turning around and walking away. That's when Azusa looked over at him.

"Sorry about that Shion.. Yuma didn't hurt you did he?..." Azusa spoke slowly and softly. Sometimes it was hard to hear him, but Shion could make out what he was saying.

"No he didn't.. But I was wondering if you had any clothes I could borrow? Kou won't let me borrow his anymore.." Shion spoke a little softly and looked at Azusa.

"Yes that's fine.. Kou is simply selfish.. If you'd like, you can always borrow clothes from me or Ruki.." Azusa motioned for Shion to follow him.

They began walking. Shion was walking a little bit behind Azusa and Azusa was leading Shion to his room.

Once they got in, Azusa began looking for clothes that Shion could wear. Suddenly, Shion felt a hand touch his shoulder and he flinched.

"Relax Shion.. It's just me, Ruki." Shion had never heard his voice before, but in some way; it was calming.

Shion didn't reply and just watched Azusa look for clothes as he hummed to himself. Ruki never once removed his hand and raised an eyebrow at Azusa.

"You do know that none of your clothes will fit him, correct? Shion isn't as skinny as you are, Azusa." Ruki asked as he finally removed his hand from Shion's shoulder.

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