Chapter 4

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Shion had gone straight to his room once they got home; and no one really asked questions. Besides Ayato who gave him an odd look as he walked up the stairs.

He was tired honestly and he wanted to sleep. Even though, he wasn't even sure if he would be able to get any. For now, he just wanted to lay down and maybe get a nap in.

Opening the door that led to his room, he removed the school blazer jacket he wore and tossed it to the side. It left Shion in only the white shirt and black pants. He slipped his shoes off and fixed his black socks before laying on his bed.

His neck was throbbing with pain and he couldn't do anything, but wince. Shion already knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep with this pain. So instead, he stared at the window that was in his room.

Shion's bright eyes closed eventually and maybe he even fell asleep. Only really for about half an hour before he was woken up by four people.

Subaru, Ayato, Kanato, and Raito? Where were Shu and Reiji?

"Finally Pancake!" Ayato announced as he jumped and sat on the bed next to him. "It felt like you slept for years!"

"It was only under an hour, Ayato." Subaru replied sarcastically as Shion looked over at him. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face. It was surprising to think this was the same boy who tried to cheer him up earlier.

"Ah, Little Bitch finally woke up!" Raito said as he sat behind Shion. His fingers brushing against the back of his neck.

Shion flinched and covered his neck. It still hurt from earlier and.. Maybe that's why they're here? To try and cheer me up? Shion asked himself in silence.

"Raito, don't touch Shion there.. Doesn't it still hurt..?" Kanato asked in a low tone.

Shion gave a small nod as he looked down at the blankets that laid on his bed. His hair was only slightly messy, but his blue eyes still shown as bright as ever.

"Of course it hurts. Shu almost killed Pancake!" Ayato replied in an aggravated tone.

"Honestly, Shu's such a grump." Raito said as he leaned back against the pillows.

"S-Speaking of.. Where are Reiji and Shu..?" Shion asked quietly as he looked at Subaru again.

"Reiji is trying to talk Shu into coming up here and apologizing to you. That's why we woke you up! Just in case he did come!" Ayato was the one to answer Shion's question. It's not like he minded anyways.

"We can all tell he felt bad. He's just too stubborn and an emotionless bag of rocks." Raito said with a roll of his eyes and it made Shion laugh a tiny bit.

"Besides all that, we brought you something to eat." Subaru pointed towards the tray of food that was on the bedside table and Shion looked at it.

It wasn't anything big. Just a bowl of soup, water, and a piece of bread in case he would want to dip it into the soup. Shion carefully picked up the bowl until it was suddenly taken away from him.

"No no no, Little Bitch! I get to feed you!" Raito said in excitement as he moved to sit in front of Shion.

"Feed me? But I can do it myself.." Shion replied as a pout crossed his lips.

Ayato gave a small laugh and looked at Shion. "Oh just take the offer! Or do you wish for it to be someone else?" Ayato said in a teasing tone.

"S-Shut up.." Shion replied as Raito took a piece of bread off and dunk it into the soup.

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