Chapter 20

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"What did you do?!"

"He didn't do anything! We didn't do anything!"

"Ooooh, Little Bitch that's nasty! I didn't know you were so perverted!"

Shion's face was a bright red as he spoke to Subaru and Raito. They were in the living room of the building. They had found out that Ayato stayed with him in his room a few nights ago. The embarrassing part was that they thought Ayato and Shion did... That.

"I'm telling you we didn't do anything! Ugh, you guys are so disgusting!" Shion claimed as he leaned back in his chair.

Everything was back to normal, oddly enough. It's like nothing ever changed in the Sakamaki house.

"It's not our fault that someone was being nasty the other night! Honestly, you'll do it with Ayato, but won't even give me a chance. That's rude, Little Bitch!" A pout crossed Raito's lips as he spoke. Both Subaru and Shion rolled their eyes.

"We didn't do anything! I fell asleep and then I don't know what he did, but I know we didn't do that!" Shion countered back as he crossed his arms.

Then Subaru spoke. "You never know, Ayato could have done it while you were sleeping."

Shion's eyes widened and he looked over at his brother. "Subaru! We didn't do anything you pervert!" He picked up a pillow and started to hit Subaru with it; his platinum white hair becoming a mess.

Raito was letting out little small laughs at the two. Subaru was trying desperately to block the incoming pillow assaults. Finally, Shion grew tired and flopped down on the couch next to him.

"You're lucky all I have is a pillow!" Shion crossed his arms again and pouted. "You're still mean."

"What?! I didn't even do anything!"  Subaru sat up straight and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes you did! You said that he probably did it while I was sleeping!" Shion took his pointer finger and poked Subaru straight on the forehead. "And that's why you're a pervert!"

Raito stood up and moved his little finger away. "Alright ladies, no more fighting. It definitely doesn't suit you!" Raito continued with a smirk.

Subaru and Shion looked at each other; pillows in their hands, they launched at Raito.

It was a few hours later and the sun was close to setting. Shion and the boys had all parted and Shion had no idea where they all were. All he knew was that he was once again exploring the large building. He figured that if he didn't have anything else to do; this was at least somewhat entertaining. As he walked, he noticed all the different rooms. There was even a room that looked like a mini library.

'This building has everything.' Shion thought to himself.

Roaming the halls, he noticed how quiet it was. Like an erie silence had covered the halls. Shion didn't even really know where he was going; it's not like he had an exact point. He was just wandering.

Wherever he was now, curtains covered the windows; darkness covered the hallways. He must have climbed up a few staircases, but yet he couldn't remember how many. He didn't even remember which way he had turned. Was he walking straight anymore? He couldn't even tell that much.

It was like the light from the sun was burning through the velvety curtains. He felt extremely hot; like his body was on fire. Whatever it was, something was wrong. Yet, Shion kept walking. He wanted to stop; he wanted to turn back, but his legs kept moving. It's like he was a plane on auto-pilot. He wasn't the one in control.

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