Chapter 17

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"Wait.. Who the hell is she?"

"My name is Serena.. It's nice to meet you?"

Shion had made it back with the two siblings and were now talking to the five other boys. Yuma was standing a little behind Shion. Serena was standing right next to Shion. She seemed shy..

"Shion. What the hell did you do?" Reiji asked irritatedly.

"Her name is Serena. She's Yuma's sister. I brought her here." Shion replied boldly.

"And why just the hell made you think that you were allowed to bring her here?" Reiji once again asked; this time in a threatening tone.

This only made Shion mad.

Shion took a step forward and narrowed his eyes up at Reiji. Shion couldn't move anymore, seeing as he was almost pressed exactly against Reiji. However, Shion was still a foot shorter than him.

"You don't order me around. Last time I checked you weren't even the oldest here." Shion threatened in a low tone.

"What? Don't bring me in to this.." Shu announced from the background.

Reiji growled at that. "Him? Like he even does anything. I was the one who helped you if I recall."

That only made it worse.

Shion's eyes flashed and his fist collided with the side of Reiji's face. The force was so big that it made Reiji land backward on his butt.

In the distance, his glasses could be heard landing on the and cracking.

Then Reiji's pupils narrowed.

Then he launched at Shion.

Then Subaru was suddenly in front of Shion.

Then, there was nothing.

When Shion came to, he wasn't where he was before. He was in his room.

Shu, Serena, and Yuma were all in the room. Subaru, Kanato, Reiji, and Raito were missing. However, Shu was standing no where near the siblings. Instead, he was sitting next to Shion. Serena was cowering behind Yuma.

When Shion sat up, Yuma quickly looked over at him. Shu stood up quickly and stood in front of him; his gaze down at him.

"I can't believe.. You really did that.."
Shu finally spoke. His voice quiet and his eyes filled with..


Shion was almost about to ask just what exactly did he do, but something cut him off. He hadn't realized it until now.

Shu had a dark mark near his eye, scratches on his cheek and neck. His jacket torn in one place. However, Serena and Yuma seemed fine. The only thing Yuma had was a scratch above his eyebrow.

What had happened? What was going on? Shu was looking at him so.. So oddly.

Then, Raito walked in. He was almost as bad as Shu was. Kanato followed behind him.

He was the worst.

His outer jacket was off and he had patches up his arms; one around his neck. He also had scratch marks on his cheeks and hands.

Yet, there was still no Reiji or Subaru. Where had they gone?

"Shu.." Shion uttered his name. Even Kanato was looking at him oddly.

Shion suddenly ran. He bolted faster then he ever had before. He felt like a caged animal. What had he done?

He didn't know what to do. Shion could hear them behind him. They would catch up with him eventually.. But maybe if he hid. So, he quickly turned a corner and ran inside a room. He quickly locked it behind him and turned around.

Subaru was lying on the floor. His eyes closed. There was blood; lots of it. There was a hole in his stomach. His necklace was missing.

Shion was shaking. He was frozen in place as he shook horribly. He could hear them banging on the door and yelling his name.

Finally, they broke in.

Shu was the first to get in. He skidded to a stop once he realized it was too late.

Shion dropped to his knees as a small noise escaped him. He crawled over to Subaru; the blood that seeped into the pants and covered his hands didn't even seem to bother him.

He gulped quietly and gave a sad smile. "Hey.. Hey Subaru.. This isn't funny you know.." His words were shaky and breathy.

Tears rolled down his cheeks.

He knew it already. He knew he was holding onto nothing. He knew that there was nothing left of Subaru. He knew that Subaru wouldn't reply back, but he couldn't stop. He couldn't stop calling his name; telling him the joke was over.

It was a horrible sight.

He was smiling pitifully as he shook Subaru's arm, trying to get him to move.

Yet, there was nothing.

Shu reached out and grabbed his wrist. "Don't touch me! Don't fucking touch me! Subaru, dammit, answer me! Answer me!" Shion yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Shion.. He's gone already.." Shu whispered calmly.

"No!" Shion screamed; hot tears pouring down his cheeks. "You aren't allowed to! Subaru! You can't leave me you bastard! Get back! Please! Please!"

Suddenly, Reiji wrapped his arms around Shion's waist and began pulling him away. Shion, screaming and kicking, refused to leave. He grabbed on to Subaru's clothing and shook his head.

"No! No! No! No! Let me go! Subaru!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, fighting against Reiji.

Reiji finally let him go. Shion quickly crawled back to him and laid his head on Subaru's chest.

"Tell me.. What happened!?" Shion suddenly yelled.

Reiji was the one to reply. Not Shu, but Reiji. He said it simple and flat. No emotion at all hidden behind his words.

"You killed him Shion. This was your doing."

Shion's expression dropped. There was nothing that could be seen. Those words echoed in his head as he slowly lifted it to look down at Subaru.

His eyes were closed and there was so much blood. So much of it. Yet, he looked so peaceful. Did he die as soon as Shion did it? Did he last? Subaru must hate him now.

Shion choked back a loud scream as he covered his mouth. His body shaking and his eyes going wide. He ripped fistfuls of his hair and when he removed his mouth;

He screamed.

~End of Chapter 17~
Hello! I know this chapter is a little shorter then usual! It'll be back to normal next chapter don't worry.~

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