Chapter 4: Meet Angelico

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I managed to get Demi to come out to L.A. with me. She was hesitant since she has to get her project done with but I convinced her that it might give her some ideas for an outfit. I wanted her with me for some support since I'm going to be stepping in some new ring ropes.

"Whoa," Demi says scanning the room, "this place kinda looks like a gang hangout."

"I wasn't expecting this when I watched the show."

When you first walk into the Temple it doesn't look like any of the arenas I've performed in. The Temple was pretty big on the inside and from the outside it looked like a regular warehouse if it didn't have the huge Lucha Underground billboard on the roof. There's one room that you first enter that has some gym equipment and some lockers that I think is just for decoration and the walls are filled with random graffiti like an alleyway.

I follow behind Johnny but I look around and there's some eyes watching me. I'm not sure if they're eyes of admiration or dislike because I've heard that I'm not all that liked by some other wrestlers for whatever reason so now I'm just nervous to be here. So it's like being in high school again.

Bringing my attention back to the now of things, Johnny stops in front of me and there's a thin man dressed in a black suit staring in my direction.

"Stephanie Skye," he says with a harsh Hispanic accent, "it is an honor to have you in my Temple."

"Ladies, this is Dario Cueto. He's the boss around here so try not to get on his bad side."

I shake his hand, "It's nice to meet you and it's an honor to be here."

"Believe me, the honor is all mine. I really hope that you would consider wrestling for Lucha Underground for we are looking for more female talent."

"So far, I like what I am seeing so I would consider hanging around."

"Please stick around and watch tonight's show then if you are convinced then we can talk business."

After talking to Dario Cueto, Johnny showed me around the temple further. The arena is pretty small compared to the huge performance arenas that I've been used to. There's bleachers and chairs all around the arena facing the center where the ring is. There's a set of stairs down the middle of the bleachers leading to the balcony and apparently the entrance for the luchadors.

I stand in front of the announce table when Demi taps me on the side, "Hey, don't look now but there's a guy looking at you."

"Really, where?" I try to act casual when asking but I'm actually pretty giddy.

"He's in the ring wearing a snapback."

I turn around acting like I'm looking at the entire arena again. My eyes scan towards the ring where there's a group of guys until I find the one with the snapback. We make eye contact and I quickly look past him. He's pretty cute. I hope I get to meet him later.

I stay throughout the show and I have to say that I am really impressed. I watched from one of the balcony's facing away from the camera so no one would see me but I doubt anyone noticed me since there was no looking away during the entire show. At this point I am sold that this is where I want to make my mark. The place is new and unique so it's perfect.

After the show Dario Cueto met up with me to talk about my decision.

"So how did you girls like the show?" He asks.

I try to form words but Demi beats me to it, "Whoa, that whole show was insane."

"Yeah, it's really like nothing else out there. I think I'm interesting in being your next luchadora in the Temple."

"That's very good to hear but you do understand that you will have to prove yourself to the fans in order to make it permanent with us."

"I'm up for the challenge." I say with so much confidence.

"Johnny will help you get acquainted with everyone."

Johnny starts walking towards me covered in sweat from his match. He ties his hair into a ponytail. I open my mouth to say something to him but my eye catches the cutie from earlier talking to Johnny.

"Oh look who it is?" Demi nudges my arm teasingly.

"Shut up, Demi. He's talking to Johnny."

"Probably wants to meet you."

Before I can say anything back to her, Johnny makes his way towards us followed by the cute guy. My heart starts to race like a teenager gushing over a high school crush.

"Steph, I want to introduce you to Angelico. He already knows who you are."

Oh he already knows who I am? Well duh, every wrestler knows who I am. It's like asking who Trish Stratus or Lita is.

He finally stands in front of me and he is much taller than I imagined. He has to be over six feet tall. He's still wearing his snapback over his brown hair which has a long strand going around his right eye and stopping at his cheek.

"It's an honor to meet THE Stephanie Skye." Instantly, my knees begin to shake once I hear the sexy accent that he has saying my name.

"Thank you. It's good to know that I'm still known in the independent areas." Demi clears her throat, "Oh this is my friend, Demi."

"It's very nice to meet you, Angelico. Stephanie was just telling me how amazing you looked in that match you had."

Really, Demi? I had a few comments about Angelico's performance in his intergender match against Ivelisse with Son of Havoc as the guest referee.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed the show."

"I love your accent where is that from?" Demi has always been great at getting information from a person with just one conversation with them which is another reason why I brought her out here with me.

Angelico smiles staring at me with his blue eyes, "I'm from South Africa."

I would've guessed Australia or New Zealand.

"Oh what part?" I ask even though I know nothing about South Africa or where it's even located due to the fact that I completely suck at geography.


Yeah, never heard of it but I manage to maintain an intrigued look on my face.

"I have to get going but I hope to see you again."

I nod my head, "Oh you will most definitely see me around."

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