Chapter 23: The Aftermath

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I haven't been able to stop crying since leaving the Temple yesterday and single handily stomping on Angelico's heart...again. Demi has been with me since this morning after I told her the story. I honestly need some comforting from an unbiased person.

Demi continues sewing some fabric, "Aren't you working today? Maybe it'll get your mind off of things."

I wipe my sore nose, "No, I've asked for some more time off since I have some creative duties to the divas division. Besides I can't be in a wrestling ring without thinking about Angelico."

"Steph, you did what you had to do. You did it for him and he might not know it but he'll appreciate it."

"That's the thing he'll never know." The whole scene from yesterday runs in my head again, "You should've seen his face. He was so hurt and I did that to him twice. I could be the cause of him having trust issues with anyone else."

"Do you know if Triple H called him to offer him a contract?"

I shake my head, "I don't know, but I can assure you that we won't be seeing him around here. I wish I hadn't made that stupid bet. I should've just kept my mouth shut and head down like everyone else then none of this would've happened. I regret everything."

"You don't regret meeting Angelico. He made work fun for you."

"Yeah, but at what cost? I lost a friend, a teacher, and a boyfriend all at once yesterday. I more than likely lost the respect of a handful of wrestlers and for what? A position that I constantly get questioned on."

"Ouch," She pricked her finger with the needle.

"What are you working on?"

"It's just something for Ivelisse."

"Have you gotten anything done for your project yet?"

She sighs, "Ah, nope. Looks like I'll be failing this one, but it's okay. I'll just make it up."

"Demi, I'm sorry. If I hadn't asked you to come with me to the Temple you would've had time to come up with an outfit."

"Steph, don't even. I've had a lot of fun the whole time I've been here. I wouldn't have spent my time doing anything else. Especially being home alone driving myself crazy with designs and pricking my fingers from trying."

"You have talent. I mean my ring gear that you made was awesome and now Ivelisse is asking for something that's a Demi original."

She smiles, "Yeah but it sucks that you can't wear it."

"I know it's hard having to keep it packed away."

Demi's attire is probably the best attire that I've worn but since I debuted it on Lucha Underground I can't wear it on WWE. So I have to go back to my original attire if I ever choose to come back which won't be anytime soon with the way I'm gonna be feeling these days.

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