Chapter 26: Breaking Point

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Finally the next pay-per-view has arrived with the divas match going on. I watch from backstage to see how my ending story comes out. The match is supposed to end with a conflicting twist where Nikki pins Paige then Paige puts her foot on the bottom rope but the referee doesn't see it causing another match to occur then Naomi puts herself into the mix as well.

The match is close to the end when Paige hits the RamPaige off the second rope. Nikki starts rolling over towards the ropes when she falls out of the ring. Suddenly everything become familiar in an instant when I see Nikki sneak under the ring and out comes Brie dressed exactly like her. When Paige lifts her to her feet she goes for the small package for the win.

Are you serious?!

No, you know what? This is it.

I storm my way towards the office of the building to find not only Mark but Vince as well. He's sitting on the couch alongside Mark. He stands when he sees me enter the room no doubt with a pissed off look on my face.

"Stephanie, I know this isn't what was discussed but understand-"

I raise my hand to stop him midsentence, "You know what just forget it. I should've known that you were never going to give me complete control over anything. You just wanted to see how far I would go until I'd come back begging for forgiveness and when I didn't you thought you could make it seem like I had the power when in reality you were never going to take my ideas."

"You just don't understand how this business works, so you have to learn what has to happen for a story to develop."

"No, what you don't understand is that times are different from your younger years. In this new era that we live in women don't have to look a certain way. Women don't have to be slim to be beautiful," I pull on the excess skin on my stomach. "We don't have to have fake hair attached to our head," I yank out the fake extension in my head, "Ouch, and we don't have to wear pounds of make up to make us look more appealing. We don't depend on men to make us look good because we can do that all by ourselves."

"You pushing your boundaries and I can make sure that your name is never said in this company again. Are you willing to risk all that?"

I scoff, "The funny thing is I risked so much to get this position while I was over at Lucha Underground and being treated like this is not worth what I lost. I took time away from the in-ring competition to make the divas division worth competing in but I see now that that's not gonna happen."

I head towards the door to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I have somewhere important I have to be and someplace where people treat me with respect. So you can fire me if you want because I don't care. I'd rather be respected for what I can do than pushed aside like I don't know anything about this business when all I ever breathed was wrestling."

With that all said and done I head out of the arena. I have a plane to catch heading to Los Angeles with a certain Angel hopefully still waiting for me.

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