Chapter 10: Potential

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I slept like a baby last night. I'm not sure if it was because I was so tired or knowing who was sleeping down the hall from me. I'm excited for tonight since Angelico will be teaming up to go against Son of Havoc and Ivelisse.

"So is he a boxer, sweatpants, or nude kind of guy?" Demi asks.


"I think he sleeps naked am I right?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know I didn't sleep in the same bed with him."

"I stand by my guess." I shake my head at her but she smirks, "So what are you gonna do about Dabria trashing your hotel room?"

"Nothing much I can do considering I don't have the proof that she was in the hotel."

She scoffs, "Did she really think you were just gonna pick up and run?"

"Obviously being here is making her a little agitated I guess she's afraid of a little competition. She should be."

"You're kind of scaring me, Stephanie."

I lose my train of thought when Angelico approaches us, "Hey Steph, are you ready to go out there we got about half an hour before we head to the ring."

"Yeah," I reach into my bag, "I just have to change into my..." wait a minute. "Where is it?"

"What are you looking for?" He asks.

I continue to dig through my bag, "My ring gear. It's not in here."

"You didn't notice it was missing?" Demi asks.

"The bag was still closed when I took it from the hotel so I figured it wasn't messed with but it's not in here. I can't wrestle in these clothes."

The three of us head to talk to Dario Cueto about the situation and see what can be done about it. I have to wrestle tonight it's my debut match. Apparently Dabria thought about every way to ruin this night for me but I'm not gonna let her win.

"I don't know what to tell you, Stephanie." Dario explains, "we'll have to change the match into a singles match until you can get your things situated."

"No, this is my debut match we can't hold it off."

"Um I think I have a solution to the problem." Demi interjects, "I may have something that you could wear. I've been working on a new ring gear design for you and I was gonna show it to you when this was over but I think you might need it now."

Demi opens up her sewing bag to hand me a silky fabric.

"I was working on it last week and I finished it last night. I just hope it fits right."

I look at the fabric. "Thanks, Demi." I don't know if this gear is for me but I don't have much of a choice and I can't afford to complain right now.

I quickly change into the outfit and manage to make it for our entrance. Angelico and I stand behind the curtain waiting for our names to be called.

Angelico leans towards me, "I think Demi tried to match us."

"You think the color scheme isn't original?" I say sarcastically.

He smiles, "You look great by the way."

I try my best to hide the blushing from my face when the announcer, Melissa Santos, starts to speak.

"And their opponents, the team of Stephanie Skye and Angelico."

I walk behind Angelico towards the top of the stairs where I look at the crowd. I take another look at my new gear. The black tube top and matching pants have neon green and yellow snake design texture that wraps around different parts of my body.

When I think about it, this new ring gear is somewhat of a new me in the Lucha Underground scene.

The match goes amazingly well and I felt so much appreciation from the crowd. At first, they didn't exactly like me much but towards the end of the match I managed to win the crowd over with a few moves that Angelico taught me. The match ended with Angelico hitting his finisher which is a running crucifix turnbuckle powerbomb that he calls fall of the angels. Meanwhile Ivelisse and I duke it out on the floor outside the ring.

Angelico and I walk together in the backstage area and I instantly feel the attitudes changing towards me by some of the luchadors.

"Nice match, Stephanie." Sexy Star comments while she passes by me.

"Thank you."

"Stephanie," Konnan comes up to me, "I can see you have a real future here. You wasted too much time over at WWE. This is your calling."

I smirk, "I appreciate it. I feel homely here."

Suddenly I feel an arm around my shoulder along with a familiar South African accent, "You did amazing in your debut match. Tonight is just the start though so don't start slacking."

"I guarantee that I will put it all out there 24/7."

Demi pulls me aside, "That crowd reaction was insane, booing at first but it got crazy for you."

"I know it's unbelievable hearing their reaction like that compared to a WWE crowd." For a small crowd it sounded like an arena full of fans.

While listening to all of the positive feedback my phone starts ringing. I step aside to see the caller ID read Triple H.

"What's up, Hunter?" I answer.

"I saw your appearance on Lucha Underground."

"Um, yeah about that..." I wonder whether or not to explain the bet to him.

"Don't worry, Vince told Steph and me about your arrangement. It takes a lot of balls to put so much on the line like this."

"I know but no one else was gonna step up and it only seems right that I do it. The transition wasn't easy at first but I'm developing something here."

"Just remember that this is only temporary so don't get too comfortable there and don't forget why you're doing this."

He hangs up.

I look over at Angelico, "Yeah, I remember."

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