Chapter 9: Intimidation Tactics

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The long day of training has finally ended and I am tired as can be from everything. I am just ready to go to sleep in my nice queen sized mattress.

"You did amazing today," Angelico compliments me. He offered to take me to my hotel as much as I tried to decline him he wouldn't let me go home alone. "You should be ready for your first match at Lucha Underground."

"I really appreciate your help in all this. It really means a lot."

He shrugs his shoulders followed with that adorable smirk, "It's no big deal."

"I'm just looking forward to sleeping right now." I put my room key into the slot and the light turns green letting the handle turn.

Once I open the door, what I see inside completely catches me off guard.

"What the..." I can barely finish my sentence.

"What's wrong?" Angelico follows behind me to see the disaster.

My room is totally destroyed with my clothes all over the floor, the bed's mattress is ripped up along with the pillow, glass is smashed, and tables and chairs turned over.

"Who did this?" Angelico asks.

I scoff, "You do you think?"

"I didn't think Dabria was this desperate to claim her territory."

Desperate? More like psychotic. How did she even get in here?

After talking to the hotel manager it turns out that Dabria claimed herself to be Demi to get into my room. The hotel isn't going to charge me for the damages since it was a mistake on their part but they don't have any other rooms available for me to stay in until they fix up mine, leaving me homeless.

I manage to pack up my scattered clothes and belonging, "I can't believe this."

Angelico has stayed with me the entire time to be sure that I would be okay. He's sitting across from me in the lobby. "So what are you going do now?"

I run my hands through my hair in frustration of the situation, "I guess I'll have to stay at Melina's place for now. It's late and I'm really tired." I take out my phone to call Melina.

Before I can press send, Angelico places his hand on my wrist, "Wait, I have an extra room at my apartment so you could stay with me."

"No I couldn't. You've done too much already." I haven't been access baggage to anyone since I joined the WWE and I won't do it now especially to this amazing guy who has helped me so much since I've been here.

"Honestly, it's no trouble at all. You wouldn't be putting me out in anyway." I look at how sincere his request is and try hard to resist his bright eyes. "Please, I insist."

I exhale, "Okay but only if you're for sure okay with it."

Angelico takes us back to his apartment. When we get inside I'm impressed with how small but spacious it is. I know I'm worth a million bucks and my place back home is more on the luxury side but his feels more homie.

"Nice, place."

"Thanks, I'm only living here until I wrap up with Lucha Underground."

Angelico shows me to the bedroom which is down the hall and right across from the bathroom. His bedroom is down the hall. I drop my luggage and get ready for bed so I can relax from this rollercoaster day. Before turning out the lights there's a knock on my door.

"Come in,"

Angelico opens the door, "Just making sure you have everything."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks again for letting me stay here."

"Don't worry about it. Goodnight."


I lie in bed thinking about how horrible day this turn into. This bed isn't that bad. It's not like the ones at the hotel but I'm not gonna complain since it's free. I still don't understand how everyone is so against me being here, everyone except Angelico. He's been nothing but nice and helpful to me. I don't know why but without him I wouldn't stand a chance to the female wrestling at Lucha Underground.

If trashing my hotel room is a way to intimidate me to leave the Temple then Dabria really doesn't know me at all. I didn't quit when I first started in the WWE and I won't back down now.

While thinking about it my eyelids begin to get heavy. I am physically and emotionally draining this day has been. I just want to go to sleep.

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