Chapter 20: Tone It Down

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It's been a few weeks and I still haven't talked to Angelico. I don't wanna call him because he said he needed time so I'd rather wait for him to call when he's ready.d

Since being back Vince has been true to his word to letting me have control of the diva's storylines. I'm presenting him a brand new idea for a future story and the first of many to come.

"I say we bring up some of NXT's best divas to join the roster to have this big battle against maybe the Bella Twins or maybe Tamina and Naomi to prove their dominance over the diva's division. There could be teams to where the WWE Universe can choose their favorite group. We could call it a Diva's Revolution."

Vince looks at me taking the idea in, "Where do you come in all this?"

"I don't."

"So you're saying that you won't be a part of it? I don't understand, this is your chance to be a part of something big but you're just handing it off to other divas."

"I'll be a part of it from backstage. I've had my time in the light twice and these girls deserve to shine just as bright. While being away I learned that everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves before you write them off."

He's quiet for a few seconds until he nods, "Alright, it seems reasonable so far. I'll go over it with the rest of the creative team and see when we can get this started."

I go about my normal work day and put in some training time with the girls. It seems weird not training with Angelico. I guess I just miss him.

I have Nikki in a side headlock in the center of the ring. She gets out of the hold but I manage to whip her into the corner. I charge at her to deliver a high knee to her face.

"Ow," Nikki holds onto her jaw, "Take it easy, Steph. I already lost a tooth once I don't plan on experiencing it again."

"Sorry, I just got used to wrestling in high intensity."

"Where did you learn those knee strikes?" She asks sounding impressed.

"Just...a friend taught me."

"It sounds like he was a good teacher." She smirks.

"I didn't say it was a guy."

She shrugs her shoulders and set herself up against me to start again. We circle each other in the ring until we lock up. Nikki pushes me into the corner and charges at me but I manage to jump and roll over her. She runs towards me then jumps over me in an attempt to pin me but I manage to keep my balance. I smack her hands away from my thighs and deliver a double stomp.

Nikki cries out in pain, "Ah my shoulders," she gets to her feet, "what the hell was that? You could've dislocated my shoulder with that move."

"It's just a double stomp. I was nowhere near hurting you and if I aim for your chest your implants might pop."

Nikki and I decide to call it after her constant complaints about the new moves I learned and tried to practice using. She's supposed to be the divas champion and if she can't even handle my moves then how am I gonna perform what I learned in front of a WWE crowd.

I've spent almost a month pushing the limits in the ring that I forget that I'm not in the Temple anymore and I have to tone it down again.

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