Chapter 13: Digging A Deeper Hole

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A few days have passed since my trip to AAA and my ankle has healed to the point where I can now walk on it without feeling too much pain but it should be fully healed for this week's match.

Angelico and Jack are sparring in the ring since I can't really perform with my ankle. In the meantime I have Demi to hang out with. There are still some kinks in the new ring gear she made for me so she's making a few adjustments to it.

"So have you been able to come up with a design for your assignment."

She shakes her head, "No, the only new thing I've made is your ring gear. Everything else I've come up with I either scrapped or couldn't finish."

"You came up with this. I'm sure you can come up with something even cooler."

"Thanks for the support. So how's your 'assignment' going?"

"Um, it's going. I'm getting too comfortable here though."

"That's good. When you came here everybody was giving you dirty looks and now they seem friendlier than ever."

"I know, but it's gonna make it harder when I have to leave. I mean what am I gonna tell everybody? What am I gonna tell Angelico?"

"I know I've been teasing you about him but something in your tone is telling me that you feel more for him than just respect."

I sigh, "My tone can't lie when it comes down to how I feel about him."

"Did you manage to book the surprise?"

I smile as I remember the plan I have to repay Angelico for everything, "Yeah, luckily I have fans in almost everything."

"He's gonna be so psyched for it. I wish I could be there to see it but I have to get going on my assignment."

I shrug my shoulder when I think about how things are gonna end between us, "Damn, what am I gonna do?"

"Does it really matter that you guys are from different companies?"

"It's not just that. How am I gonna tell him that the only reason I'm here is to win a bet with my boss?" I whisper to her.

"Hopefully with enough explanation and understanding he won't care."

I scoff but before I can respond I feel a shove at the back of my shoulder.

"Whoops, sorry." Dabria says with sarcasm, "Didn't see you there, Steph."

"Yeah, I'm sure you didn't."

"But since I've run into you," she pulls a gym bag that looks familiar from her shoulder, "I thought I should drop this off."

She hands me the bag, "What is it?"

"Oh just some trash I found near the bins." She says with a smirk.

I open the bag to see some shredded spandex fabric. I gasp when I notice the same design I have on my other WWE ring attire. It's my gear that I was looking for the night I made my debut. I have others similar to this attire but this one was my favorite and its destroyed. I clench my jaw in complete rage.

I drop the bag and face Dabria, "What is your problem?"

"I don't know what you mean?"

"Cut the crap. Ever since I've got here you've been on my case. You got something to say then say it to my face."

"How's this for some don't belong here, princess. This is where warriors wrestle not divas. While you've been in your castle being pampered the rest of us have been working our asses off getting respect."

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