Chapter 8: Training With Los Gueros

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Demi and I are heading towards the training area of the Temple to meet up with Angelico. I'm excited to be working with him not only because he's cute but I'm always looking to improve on my in-ring abilities.

" once you win the bet you get complete control of the women's division?" I had explained my situation with Demi last night and she does not understand the importance of keeping it a secret.

"Yeah so this is a pretty big deal so I need you to keep it on the down low or else I'll get kicked out of here and I'll never get to win the bet."

"Of course, I wouldn't want to ruin your chances with Angelico." She says teasingly.

"What are you talking about?"

She scoffs, "Like you don't have a thing for him, not that I blame you."

"Yeah alright, then why don't you go after him?"

"Nah, he's too much of a pretty boy for me but for you he would be perfect."

"In what sense? That we both wrestle for a living?"

She thinks for a moment then shrugs her shoulders, "Pretty much, that's all I got."

"He and I can't date because we're on different brands, it wouldn't work out. For now, we're colleagues and we're working together in the ring and on the storyline. Okay? Okay."

"Well while you get sweaty with the cutie, I'm gonna be working on my assignment." She takes out a sketchbook from her bag.

I walk into the extra room where another ring is apart from the actual ring where they film the show to see Angelico and another guy sitting on the apron. Angelico is wearing no shirt, basketball shorts, and his kick pads over his shoes. The other guy is not wearing a shirt either along with some black sweatpants.

They both stand up when they see me walk in wearing my work out clothes of a purple tank top, black Capri yoga pants, and my lavender nike shoes with neon green shoelaces.

"Stephanie, you made it." Angelico says.

"Of course, I'm always up to learning new things."

"Before we start I want to introduce you to my tag team and good friend, Jack Evans." I turn towards the shorter guy next to him and extend my hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Jack."

He smiles, "The pleasure is all mine working with one of, if not the best, diva in WWE history."

I can't help but blush as he says it in such a confident tone.

"Jack can be a bit of a romantic." Angelico says patting Jack on the shoulder. "How about we get started?"

I agree and head into the ring with these two.

Jack and Angelico spend time teaching me some cool bicycle kicks and knee shots. The knee shots were a little tricky for me since I don't normally use my knees I use my shins. These two work the ring with their legs more than their fists. Jack taught me all the acrobatic things and Angelico taught me all the quick thinking moves to serving moves and countering them. They even taught me some moves that I've always wanted to try but never had the balls to try on my own. Man, where were these guys when I was learning how to wrestle I could've been way beyond the divas division in the in-ring style.

"Alright, Steph, now we're gonna work on outside dives." Angelico signals to Jack to get out of the ring where he stands.

"Sounds easy enough," I've done my fair share of suicide dives.

"But we're going over the turnbuckle."

My eyes widen, "Over where?"

Angelico smirks before running towards the corner and jumping over the turnbuckle almost a crossbody like move lands onto Jack.

"Wow," I say to myself.

Angelico and Jack get to their feet, "See," Angelico says. "There's nothing to it."

"Your turn," Jack says.

"Oh no I think I can pass this one." I nervously back into the opposite corner.

Angelico gets back into the ring and approaches me, "I've seen you do suicide dives. It's not that different and I know you can do this one."

"I don't know, it's just the jumping over the turnbuckle is what's getting me nervous." I really don't want to bruise a boob or both of them.

Angelico puts his hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to be nervous. I'll catch you." He backs away and jumps down to the ground. "Whenever you're ready."

I look at that corner and imagine myself hitting the post and not the cushion if I fail but I didn't get in this business to play it safe. I take a breath and stretch myself in the corner before making a run towards the corner. Just before hitting the corner I jolt over the post and don't feel my boobs hitting the steel. I finally land into Angelico's open arms and he manages to stay on his feet and not fall like he did when he lands onto Jack. I look back at the ring to finally realize that I actually did it and I didn't imagine me doing it.

"See?" When Angelico speaks in my ear I realize that I'm practically clinging to him like a koala on a bamboo tree. "I wouldn't let you fall."

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