Chapter 27: Back Again

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Before making my comeback I give Dario a call to see if I was even able to get back into the building. He gave me a warm welcome back and my own space to get ready for my surprise return. He was able to keep my presence on the down low and only telling Matt and Ivelisse about my return because I was gonna be making my comeback during Matt and Angelico's match tonight.

The match is halfway through. Angelico is outside the ring when Son of Havoc attempts to suicide dive onto him but fakes it by stopping against the ropes. He taunts Angelico until he goes to get a kiss from Ivelisse but Angelico gets back to his feet and in the ring quick. He's about to attack Havoc when he moves at the last second causing Angelico to nearly strike Ivelisse but he manages to stop himself. Havoc attempts to sneak attack when Angelico moves at the last second where he nearly strikes Ivelisse as well but manages to halt before making contact. Havoc shoves Angelico towards Ivelisse which gives her a chance to slap him in the face and giving Havoc the pin attempt.

It's show time.

I rush down towards the ring and pull Ivelisse off the apron causing her to land on the ground. I tackle her to the ground and start throwing punches until she shoves me off of her. When she gets to her feet to face me I hit her with a spinning heel kick to knock her down.

Meanwhile back in the ring, Angelico managed to get out of the pin attempt by shoving Havoc in between the ropes and giving me the opportunity to strike him with a hard forearm shot. He bounces back giving Angelico the change to roll him up for the pin along with the ring.

"And your winner...Angelico." Melissa Santos announces which brings a huge grin to my face.

I slip out the back to give Angelico the ring. I get a lot of warm welcome backs from the guys backstage. It seems that maybe I'm not all that hated here after all. I guess people here are more understanding than I thought.

I meet up with Demi who came with me for support after I told her what I did and what I planned to do, "So how does it feel coming back?"

I take a huge breath of relief and satisfaction that I have been holding in for so long, "Feels like home. It's like trying to give up a hobby that you can't live without."

"Looks like someone else might be feeling the same way." She gestures her eyes behind me.

Before turning around I hear a familiar voice that I've missed, "Hey,"

I turn to see Angelico sweaty, wearing his t-shirt around his neck like a towel, and his snapback on backwards over his damp hair. But it's not his sweaty chest that draws me to nerves but a pair of blue eyes staring down at me does it, "Hi, I know you're probably pissed about me getting involved in your match but I swear if you don't want me to-"

"Just answer me one thing. Why'd you come back?"

"When I left I had this huge hole in my heart and even though I got what I wanted it still didn't fill the void. It was replaced by something else. Something that I didn't know I wanted until I threw it away. So I'm sorry that I hurt you not once but twice. You didn't deserve that."

"So who are you right now?"

I look down at myself, "This is the real Stephanie Skye. I wear jeans and sneakers not skin tight dresses that cut off circulation or six inch heels that make me face plant at any minute when I take a step. I barely like to wear makeup. I would only wear some to hide zits that like to curse me every now and again. All this hair is my actual hair now since its short and I'm kind of digging it now. It's less to deal with by the way considering that I have been letting myself go since leaving here. To be honest I can go on about this all night but, long story short, I just missed my teacher."

There's a long silence between us and no movement until he takes off his gloves then shoves them in the waistband of his tights. What he does next completely surprises me. He pulls me by the neck until our lips lock into each other. It's a feeling that I haven't forgotten and surely missed since being a part from him. Our bodies go together like puzzle pieces. We fit perfectly together like it was meant to be all along.

"Oh that's really touching," Dabria's voice shouts from behind us, "Seriously Angelico you gonna fall for this crap again. I don't remember you being this gullible when we dated."

"Dabria, you are most definitely the last thing I missed from Lucha Underground."

"Yeah, well unlike you, I actually stick around until the very end and I don't sell out to make better business."

"You know what I've had enough of your judgmental bitchy attitude." I stomp towards her but Angelico keeps me at bay.

"What're you gonna do? We already know that I can kick your ass in a match any day!"

Suddenly her shouting draws attention and the other luchadors come to keep us apart. Then Dario appears to put a stop to what could turn into street fight.

"Enough!" He shouts to get out attention. "What is the meaning of this?"

"I want a match," I exclaim, "against Dabria in front of everyone."

Dabria smirks, "You really want to lose in front of the believers? I'd rather not waste my time embarrassing the great Stephanie Skye."

"Then why not if you're so sure of yourself?"

"Fine, since you're so confident with making bets then how about we make it interesting?"

"Name it," I say without hesitation. I'm far over taking any crap from Dabria so anything that will get her to back off.

"I win and you are gone, banned from the Temple for the rest of your miserable career."

My heart nearly skips a beat from thinking about not being able to be here anymore but this is what I have to do for me.

"Deal, and when I win you back off my the ring and out."

"Steph," Angelico forces me to face him, "you don't have to do this. Everyone here forgives you for what you did."

"I know but this isn't about them. You gotta let me do this."

I nod my approval to Dario which causes a huge grin and money signs to appear his on his face, "That's what I like to hear. Next week it will be Deadly Dabria versus Stephanie Skye."

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