Chapter 21: Everyone Needs A Helping Hand

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The past few days have been busy for me since giving my idea to the creative team. The story won't be used right away but the current feud between the Bellas and Paige will lead into the idea later on in the next few weeks.

I finish up my training session with Paige this time since she's tough with taking some hits and she's been practicing some new moves on me that she's wanted to use on TV. I stand by the ring as Eva Marie is in the ring training her moves with Summer Rae again. I only took an hour until Summer decided to end the training after getting frustrated with Eva.

Summer walks over near me and Cameron, "Oh my gosh, I swear she is getting worse every day. I can't handle this anymore. She doesn't belong here."

"I know, girl. She's just gonna fall on her face as usual." Cameron replies rolling her eyes.

Finally, I get tired and I decide to take a stand about Eva. I approach her, "Hey Eva, you seem to be having trouble in the ring."

"Yeah, I'm just not getting it." She fixes her red hair into a bun.

"Well if you want I could help you out."


"Yeah, I mean I understand what it's like to start out. I even know someone who can train you when I'm not around."

"I wouldn't want to burden you by helping me out."

"Eva, someone once told me that without lending a helping hand to others then most of us wouldn't be wrestling here today."

I start to think back to when I first arrived to Lucha Underground and how horrible I was compared to the other luchadors. It all got better with a little help.

I head back towards the backstage area to talk to Vince about giving Eva some time off from the main roster and get some serious training down at NXT. Suddenly my phone rings in my back pocket.

My heart drops to my stomach when I read the caller ID. It's Angelico.

"Hello?" I answer with a shaky hand holding the phone up to my ear.

"Hi," I've missed hearing his voice. He sounds like he feels the same way.

"How have you been?" I don't really know where to start with this conversation since I haven't been in contact with him for awhile now.

"I'm okay, how about you?"

"You know, just the usual business and some other extra things."

He clears his throat before continuing, "The truth is the reason I'm calling is mostly because I miss you but I wanted to see if we could meet up and talk about everything that happened."

"Yeah, I would like that."

He sighs through the phone as if he's been holding in a huge breath since pressing the call button, "Okay how about coming down to the Temple the next time you're off?"

"I'm sure I'm still welcomed there after everything."

"Don't worry I'll make sure we're away from anyone who has a problem with you."

"Wouldn't that be everyone?"

He chuckles, "No, not everyone thinks what you did was horrible."

"Good to know but I really do want to tell you everything. No holding back."

Angelico and I agree to meet up sometime this week. I'm really happy that he wants to at least see me to talk. I've wanted any excuse I could think of just to see him. I also wondered how long he would need until he finally spoke to me again. It only took a few weeks.

I walk up to Vince's office where the door is slightly ajar. I'm about to knock on the door until I hear voices talking from the inside. It's Vince and Triple H. It seems like they're talking about signing a new superstar.

"I have to say this kid's pretty impressive." Hunter says putting his phone away.

"He's got those highflying abilities down. He's good looking which is a bonus with the female audience. But are you sure we can get him to sign with us?"

"It's gonna be a sure thing. It's all over social media that Angelico has a relationship with Stephanie. He'll sign to be with her and then we can put them together in a storyline therefore more viewers."

I step away from the door before they notice me eavesdropping on them. I can't believe that they're gonna take advantage of my situations with Angelico just to get him signed with WWE. Would Angelico sign if he knew for sure that he would work with me? I know WWE well and if he signs they will change who he is to make it better for business. I can't risk it.

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