The Great Unveiling

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A bright light hurt my eyes, and I twitched uncomfortably. Move away stupid light! I groaned loudly and turned to my side to avoid it. However this time the light was bothering the left side of my face. I moved my arm to block it, but the position was uncomfortable after a minute so I let it go. Once the light hit my face again, I felt a frustration pool within me. This light was causing more trouble than I had previously anticipated.

Suddenly there was no light in the way. A sigh of pure satisfaction was out of my mouth before I could stop it, and I moved to a more comfortable position with a small smile on my face.

Hmmm, this is boring. Maybe I should wake up? Gosh what a ridiculous idea. I don't hear any of the girls waking up for lessons, so this must mean I, for the first time ever am waking up early. How fascinating! This must mean I fell asleep early last night.

Wait - did I fall asleep early last night? I frowned. I don't quite recall doing so, but since I don't actually remember what I have for dinner most days, this is normal I'm sure.  I must have been rather tired last night. 

Ahh Scarlett maybe it's time to wake up now.

I opened my eyes and saw a hand raised in front of me. The hand belonged to Sirius Black. How odd. I must be dreaming. 

"You're awake!" He said. I looked at him confused.

"Well in reality I'm still asleep but I suppose in this dream I have awoken."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, obviously as confused as I was.

"This is a dream...isn't it?" I asked feeling hesitant. 

He snorted, "Bloody hell Scarlett, do you dream about me often then?"

"What?" I muttered to myself but I soon realised I had been completely wrong and sat up suddenly. Taking in all the numerous hospital beds, I felt a jolt of déjà vu - now it was the second time I had woken up in the hospital wing. 

"This isn't a dream!" I cried. 

"About time."  He murmured.

"But why am I in the hospital wing?" There were no injuries that I could see and I felt perfectly fine. 

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me that. I found you unconscious by all your work on the grounds and brought you here. Madam Pomfrey said you were fine and probably fainted from stress and exhaustion."

Now wonder I don't remember what I did last night. 

"What time is it?" I asked, looking out the window. The sun was out but I had no clue how much time I'd spent unconscious.

"Lessons start in an hour. You should feel honoured Scarlett, there are few that I'd wake up for at this ungodly hour of the day." He smirked.

"Why, what an honour it is! To be blessed with your frog-like face upon waking up. That is truly a sight that I am grateful for."

However his troubled expression made me worry instantaneously. "What is it?"

"Scarlett...are you a metamorphmagus?" My eyes caught his and my heart began to pound, to the point I could hear nothing else for what felt like minutes but was most probably only a few moments.

"Where- where did you get that idea?" I asked slowly.

"Maybe the fact that your hair has taken on some green highlights in the time that I've been talking to you."

My eyes widened in shock. How? How could my hair change colour without me even realising it?! That has never happened before. I've had total control of my powers for many years. My parents had spent hours upon hours teaching me to keep control of my powers, always telling me to keep it a secret as being a metamorphmagus was such a rare ability that they feared others would exploit my ability - especially when I grew up. 

Secret Prankster (Sirius Black) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now