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"Wake up Scarlett, get ready, come on!" Lily shook her from her deep slumber. Scarlett groaned wanting to remain in the comfort of her sleep for a little while longer. She finally assented, took a speedy shower and put on her robes. After making an attempt to look vaguely presentable, she headed downstairs with the others so that they could get breakfast.

They heard a loud commotion in the common room. There were booms of laughter coming from the boys dorm and a crowd of students had gathered. They soon found out that the Marauders had all ended up with pink hair and were furious trying to find out who it was that had dared mess with them on their first night.

The group emerged into the common room, and Scarlett tried not to laugh. They were certainly a sight. James Potter had lost a bit of the confidence that Scarlett had noticed when she first met him. Once he spotted Lily, she observed his cheeks flush in embarrassment and he refused to meet her gaze. Lily, not wasting an opportunity, walked towards him and pinched his cheeks.

"Awwwww you look so cute!" She cooed, turning his head left and right while he grumbled under his breath. "Cutesy Jamesy!"

Sirius cleared his throat loudly, and began walking out of the dormitory. Scarlett couldn't help but stare. She hadn't expected him to pull off pink hair so well. She cursed quietly, this hadn't quite been the effect she wanted to achieve. 

During breakfast, their Head of House approached them puzzled.

"Potter, Black, Pettigrew and Lupin. I didn't expect to have to speak with you all so early into the year. Please explain yourselves. I sincerely hope that this isn't some kind of new trend." She said, her eyebrows rising expectantly.

"Professor, this was not our fault! We were washing our hair but when we came out.. " James pulled forward strand of hair and stared at it with wide eyes and a hysterical look on his face. "Please Professor - surely such a wise witch like yourself could help us." 

"I do seem to recall that you and your group of friends, whatever it is you may call yourselves, have caused us quite some trouble. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for you but I do hope that this might make you think carefully about your behaviour this year." She turned away but then stopped. " I would, however, suggest that you take a good long look in the library for something that might help." As she said those last few words there was a gleam in her eye and Scarlett felt that she didn't entirely disapprove. Merlin only knew what kind of trouble they had caused for Professor McGonogall in the past.

Scarlett tucked into her breakfast, a full English, and chatted away with her new friends. They introduced her to some fellow Fifth year Gryffindors sitting nearby.

"Isn't Sirius such a dream? How does he always look so good?" Emmeline sighed whistfully. Scarlett rolled her eyes. She had only just met this Emmeline, but she had already concluded that she was an idiot. She sounded like a Beauxbatons girl. Apparently studying at an all-female institution meant that all male specimens become sources of intrigue and gossip at her previous school. It was, quite frankly, embarrassing.

Once classes started, Scarlett walked with her friends to their first Potions class of the year. Startlingly quickly, a slightly overweigt man in brown robes smiled quickly and moved towards her.  "Ah, Miss Dixon, I'm Professor Slughorn, your new potions teacher. Such a delight to have you here! Do say hello to your grandmother too!" 

Scarlett politely nodded, and looked around the room for a place to sit.

"Please take a seat next to Mr Potter.  Potter, I think you could have gone for a slightly subtler colour but to each their own, I suppose," He ended. 

"Hello again," Scarlett smiled innocently as she took her seat by James. "I'd recommend light brown next time."

He rolled his eyes, "I swear I'm going to find out who the hell did this and make them pay for what they've done."  

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