A Nasty Encounter

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"You may have Dixon blood running through your veins but you're no family of mine. I knew your mudblood-loving parents would corrupt you, but I thought I could make you see the error in your ways by bringing you to Hogwarts-"

"Don't insult my parents!" I interrupted her, "they are ten times better than you are. You are cruel-" 

  "Silencio!" Her wand moved at whiplash speed and I found myself unable to speak.  

"Shut your mouth and listen to me. I know all about your mudblood friend, Lily," She spat her name out, "and those half-blood girls you fraternise with. I've been keeping my eye on you. You didn't make it into Slytherin, but I could forgive that. Making friends with mudbloods shamelessly is something I will not forget." She sighed as if hating me was too much trouble, then took a seat on the sofa, and proceeded to wave away the man who had his wand pointed at me.

"I told your Aunt all about your behaviour and as you know, she sent a howler. I hoped that would bring you back to your senses. However I found out that you still continued in your ludicrous ways. So finding out that the howler didn't work, I decided it was time for a more forceful method, so I asked the children of some friends of mine to teach you a lesson. A lesson you wouldn't forget." She said her last sentence with a small smile, and when she moved her wand again and muttered something, my head felt as if it were about to split open. I screamed in pain but no sound would come out, leaving me to fall to my knees, my arms cradling my head in an attempt to sooth the agonising pain.

Images flashed by, and I remembered. I remembered what had happened that day out in the gardens, I had been tortured by a group of Slytherins under the orders of my grandmother. 

I felt myself go still and stop breathing as the pain subsided. I couldn't believe my own grandmother had done such a thing, although we were on bad terms it seemed that she was far crueller and heartless than I had ever suspected. I knew that my family wasn't entirely pleased with me but I had no idea how much animosity they had for me. 

She finally lifted her spell and let me speak again.

"And yet you are still not satisfied," I spat, "what do you want from me? Why have you brought me here? I will be missed in the castle, they will find me soon."

A triumphant smile suddenly appeared on her face, and I instantly felt myself dreading to hear her next words. 

"Fortunately you have enough pride in your heritage not to even risk tainting your blood with that of anyone with a lower blood status." She paused, and I stared at her blankly.

"Oh you know that Black! Sezerus was it?" She muttered to herself as she tried to recall his name.

"Do you mean Sirius?" I asked earnestly.

"Yes! That boy, I am thankful that you are not so far gone that you would take a half blood or muggle boy for a lover, and so I will give you an opportunity to redeem yourself."

"What's this about a lover?" I asked slightly confused.

"Oh I have no time for your silly games, Scarlett so shut your mouth and listen." She stood and moved closer to me. "I have use for you yet. The Dark Lord will be recruiting Death Eaters in the coming year and I intend for you to become one also."

When she saw the mortified look on my face, she suddenly frowned.

"Stop being so ungrateful, I'm giving you a way to redeem yourself and hold on to your family lineage. I am very tempted to have you removed from the Dixon Family Tree, but I have not because I know you can be better than this. You just need a nudge in the right direction, that's all."

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