Crazy Fate (Niall Horan & Harry Styles short story)

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Tressa's POV

"Imagine it, Tressa! One day, Niall Horan and I will be happily married. I can see it now!" My best friend, Shana yelled in my ear. Even though we were on the sidewalk in London, Shana felt she needed to express her love for One Direction to all of London. "Shana, you just screamed in my ear," I said back, with no expression. "That being said, I know you love Niall Horan, I love Harry Styles. But, it'll never happen. We won't meet-" All of a sudden I ran straight into a cute blonde boy. "I'm sorry love, are you alright?" Right then I could tell that he was Irish. I looked over at Shana, she was about to hyperventilate. "Shana, what are you doing? You look like you are about to die, BREATHE!" I said. Confused at why she was doing that, I turned to the blonde boy. I had accidentally knocked off his sunglasses. I bent down, and noticed they were Ray Bans. As I picked them up, I noticed his beautiful blue eyes. They were breathtaking. But, then I noticed who they belonged to. "Oh my god. Shana, let's go." I said, as I handed him back his sunglasses, and grabbed Shana's arm, pulling her along. "Tressa!!! That was fucking Niall Horan! Why can't we stay and talk to him?!?!" Shana frantically asked me. "Shana, we can't stay because you'll die of hyperventilation. LET'S GO." I said still pulling her along. "Fine." She stomped off with sass. I shook my head, and laughed at her. She had to much sass. I turned to Niall, who's mouth was open during this. "I'm sorry, we have to go. Have a lovely day." Then I turned and ran to Shana. "I'm trying to be okay, I'm trying to be alright." I sang to cheer up Shana. She joined in singing, "But seeing you with him, just don't seem right." We sang together, "And I'm like, OW, never thought it hurt so bad, getting over you-ou. And, OW, you're giving me a heart attack-" "Looking like you do-oo." Niall sang. I turned around to see he was staring right at Shana. I turned back to Shana, she was blushing. "WEYHEY THERE! Look, there's a starbucks. I will be in there if you need me." I yelled, skipping away into Starbucks. I ordered a simple hot tea, and sat by the window to watch Shana. "I hope this works." I whispered to myself.

Shana's POV

Seriously, Tressa had to leave me right now? WHY?!?! "So, um, hey." I said awkwardly to Niall. He flashed a brilliant smile at me. I think I died inside. "Would you like to go for a walk with me?" Niall asked me. What is a girl going to say to Niall, no? Are you crazy. "Yes, I would really like that." I told him smiling. Surprisingly, he took my hand. I started to freak out, without showing it. We walked to a small park in the middle of London. "Oh shit! We forgot Tressa!" I said, worried about her. "Shana, calm down. I don't think she'll mind that you went with me. I am Niall Horan, aren't I?" He asked with a cocky grin on his face. "Well...I guess so. But, I'm just a normal girl. No one wants me." I said, slowly becoming sad. Niall and I had gotten to the swings by now. I sat down and he started pushing me. "I would. You're beautiful, and I wish you could see it. Do you believe in love at first sight?" he answered, looking straight into my boring, brown eyes, wide with confusion. "Ye-yes. I do." I stuttered, momentarily forgetting how to breathe. "Well in that case..." he started, slowly leaning in. I closed my eyes. Could this really be happening to me? Holy shit. Is he actually kissing me? I thought feeling how soft his lips were. OH. MY. GOD. NIALL HORAN IS KISSING ME! AM I DREAMING?!?!?! He pulled away, all too soon for my liking. I opened my eyes. There he was, staring at me. "Best kiss ever. Simply amazing." Niall said, making me drop my eyes into my lap. he grabbed onto my chin, pulling it up so I could look into his baby blues. I got lost in them. Then we heard foot steps. I was freaked  out. But, it was just Tressa. She had seen the whole kiss, I presumed. "Hey Tressa. How long have you been here?" "Oh, not that long." I could tell right away she was lying. "Hey Shana, can I have your number so I can talk to you?" Niall asked me. "Oh, yeah. It's 555-6789." I answered calmly. "Alright, I will see you soon Shana. Bye, Tressa. Nice to meet you." Niall said. "Bye." Tressa and I said in unison. "So, Shana, care to explain what happened here?" Tressa asked me quizically. "Oh, we just talked and thats all." "Mmhmm. Sure."

Authors Note: Weyhey there! I'm Tressa, and my best friend's name is Shana. She helped me write this part of the story. We hope you guys like it as much as we do! Vote, and comment! We will update soon. Byee<3


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