Chapter 33

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Tressa POV:

I hear noises in my room, and don't feel my boyfriend beside me. Where did he go? I open my eyes, and squint at the light flooding into my room. It's then that I notice ten people watching me. I know who they are, my boyfriend being among them. They haven't noticed I'm awake, just whispering among them. I try to clear my thoat, but no sound comes out. "Guys..." I whipser, hoping to get their attention. When that doesn't work, I sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Shana notices that I'm awake. She lets go of Niall's hand, and runs up to my my bed. "You're awake!" She says, and I laugh...well, as much as I can, considering the state I'm in. "I am." I whisper, and a smile spreads across my face. When Shana let go of Niall's hand, everyone stopped what they're doing to look at us. She leaned down, and gives me a light hug, afraid that she might hurt me. I hug back, and soon enough, everyone is around my bed, watching me. Shana lets go, and goes to stand by Niall. "Hey guys." I whisper. "Why can't you talk?" Liam asks, and I softly laugh. "My voice hasn't fully come back." I say. They all nod, like they understand. "When did you wake up?" Michaella asks. "The middle of the night, Harry was still here with me." I answer, looking over at him. "Well, I couldn't leave you could I?" He says, on the side of my bed, and he holds my hand. "I really wish you would have slept and eaten properly, though." I say, and he nods. "If I were in this position, would you be able to?" He asks, and I shake my head, no. "Harry, when will I be able to leave?" I'm still whispering, and look at him questioningly. "Soon, babe. Soon." He answers and I laugh. It's hoarse, and sounds like someone's dying. "What's so funny?" Jorja asks, and everyone looks like they're worried. "Don't worry. I'm laughing because he sounds like Justin Bieber with Heartbreaker. When will it come out? Soon." I answer, and Shana laughs, and everyone else has a wierd look on their face. "Hey. I've been sleeping for three days. I'm gonna act wierd." I say, and they just nod. "What time is it?" I ask, and Madi looks at her phone, "Uhm, noon." She answers and I nod. "Have you eaten?" I ask, and they shake their heads, no. "Go eat then. I'll be here for a while." At first, I get a chorus of "No", but, then I give them a look. "Please. I'm awake now. It's okay." I plead, gesturing to my body. Eventually, they nod, going to leave. "Wait." Niall says, and I look at him. "What?" I ask, and he runs back over, and gives me a signature Horan Hug. "I'm happy you're awake. Harry and Shana were a mess." I smile sadly, and he lets go. Everyone gives me a hug, and they leave the room. Everyone except Harry. "Go on, Haz. Go, eat. I'll be fine." I try to convince him, but, he shakes his head, no. "Come on. For me? Pretty please?" I ask, pouting. "I'm not hungry." He simply replies. "Harold." I say, sternly. He just sits down in the seat. "I don't wanna." He sounds like a child. "When was the last time you ate?" I ask, and he looks down. "Yesterday morning..." He mumbles, and I prepare to ruin my voice for good. "HAROLD EDWARD STYLES. WHY HAVEN'T YOU EATEN?" I try to yell, but it just comes out as a raspy voice, and still sounds like I'm whispering. "I couldn't. Not when you were hurt because of me. I should have protected you, I could have." He says, shaking his head, tears running down his cheeks. "Hey. No crying. It wasn't your fault, not at all. We were in a car crash, there wasn't anything you could do. But, I'm fine now. I'm awake, I'm breathing. I just have a broken leg, that's all. It's okay." I whispered in a soothing voice. He looked up at me, his normal bright green eyes gone, just tired, bloodshot eyes. "It is?" He asks, and he sounds like a nine year old, not nineteen. "Yep. I'm gonna make it. But, I need you to, as well. I can't get better on my own. I mean, I can...but, I'd rather I have you there. Will you be there?" I ask, and he nods his head. "Of course." He mumbles, and I smile. "Good. Now, you can eat in the cafeteria, or eat here with me." I look at my hospital food. I, most likely, won't be eating anything. But, he doesn't need to know that. "I'll stay here." He says, and I move over, so he can sit with me. He sits down, and I grab my jello, and give it to him. "But, what about you?" He looks over at me. "I'm not very hungry." I say, and he shakes his head. "No, we can share." And with that, he scoops up a spoonful of blue jello, and feeds me it. "Harry, I'm nineteen, I think I can feed myself." He just chuckles, "But, I wanna feed you. Therefore, that I shall do." I smile, but let him do it. "I love you." I say, and he laughs. "I love you, too."

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Sorry it took me so long, and it's kinda short, but that's all I could come up with tonight. I hope you liked it. Vote, comment, and follow me, even though you haven't. It's okay. Love you all! -Tressa xx

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