Chapter 7

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Shana POV:

Awe! Harry kissed Tressa. That was like the cutest thing ever! "Let's go eat." Niall said. We all walked to the London Eye. When we got to the enterance, I stopped. The view was breathtaking. "What's wrong love?" Niall asked me. "Oh, nothing. I just, this is actually my first date." Niall looked at me confused. "How can it be your first date? You're beautiful." "Well, to all the boys in Newton, I was just the ugly girl in the corner. No one ever even asked me to any of the high school dances. I always wanted to have a date to them, but never. A boy never asked me. No dates, what so ever." I started to tear up. "Oh, Shana, I'm so sorry. But, you want to know something? You are no ugly girl in the corner. You are a beautiful, and brilliant girl. You are the best girl anyone could ever have, and all those boys were stupid to think you are ugly. Probably all the girls they dated were ugly." Niall said. That's it. I definately love this boy. He is so sweet. "Niall, you are so sweet, but I am not what you put me out to be. I'm just some random girl, who has a lot of problems. I am far from beautiful. Hell, I'm far from being pretty. I am, and always will be ugly." After I said that, tears started to stream down my face. "Shana, don't you ever think that. You are the most beautiful, and amazing girl ever." Niall said, wiping the tears off my face. Then, he kissed me. I never wanted this moment to end, but Harry cleared his throat. "Shall we eat?" Harry asked, a smirk playing on his face. "Um. Sure. Let's go!" I said. We walked into the room. Wow. It surely was beautiful. There were 2 tables set with a lot of food. "You guys did this for us?" Tressa said shocked. "Yes we did, beautiful." Harry told her. Then they kissed. Wow, Harry wasn't scared to show who he loved in public. Niall seems to be the same way, and I am so happy that I can be myself with him. If I had to try to be someone I wasn't, I would go crazy. I love this boy.

Niall POV:

Shana looks beautiful tonight. I actually love this girl. I have finally found my princess. I promise to myself that I will not hurt this girl, or let anyone else hurt her. "Niall, are you okay?" Shana asks me. Oh, no. I must have been staring at her. "What? Oh, yeah. Just thinking that I have the most beautiful girlfriend I would ever ask for." She blushed. "I have the most beautiful girlfriend I could ever ask for too." Harry joined in. I can tell Harry really loves Tressa. I wonder if he knows that I really love Shana. Maybe I will ask him soon. "Let's sit down." I suggested. Once we were sitting, the room started going up. Shana looked kinda scared, so I held onto her hand. She smiled her lovely smile. We stopped at the top. "Oh. My. God. The view is beautiful!" Shana said, stunned. "Not as beautiful as you." I told her. She blushed the reddest I have ever seen her turn. We eat our food, then headed back down to the ground. "That was the best first date I could ever have imagined." Shana said mesmorized. I am so happy I was her first date. I love knowing that I am her first real boyfriend. I wonder how many other 'boyfriends' she has had. Did they hurt her? They better not have hurt her. She is my princess, and I could never live with myself if I knew she had been hurt by them. I love her.

Tressa POV:

Well, that was officially the best date ever. Although, that was my first real date, like Shana. It was just really special that Harry was the first one that has ever taken me on one. We got back to the Range Rover and again Harry and I climbed into the front, Shana and Niall in the back. The ride back to the flat was quiet, mostly because I was too busy going through the date in my head. I bet everyone else was, too. Harry parked the car and we climbed the stairs to the flat. "Okay. So, Niall and I wanted to ask if you girls wanted to stay at our flat for as long as you wanted?" Harry asked, and I could tell he was hoping we'd say yes. "Umm. Sure." I answered, smiling at them. By then, were at the door of the flat. Niall unlocked it and we went in. "We'll be right back. We're just gonna change into our pajamas" I said, as Shana and I headed to the guest bedroom. we put on our pajamas and went back out to see the boys, who were sitting on the couch. "Where's Louis Zayn, and Liam?" I asked. "Oh, they're just out partying. They should be back later." Harry answered me. He patted the couch cushion next to him. I went over and sat down, and Shana went and sat by Niall. I leaned into Harry and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled. My life was just so perfect in this moment. I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know, I'm being carried by someone who I assumed was Harry. He didn't carry me to the guest room, though. He carried me to his room and laid me down on his bed. He slipped down to his boxers and put on some sweatpants, leaving him topless. "Where's Shana?" I asked, a bit disoriented. "Oh, she fell asleep, too. Niall carried her to his bedroom." Harry answered me. "Oh. okay" I said, already falling back asleep. Harry climbed into bed and cuddled me up to him. "Goodnight, beautiful." Those were the last two words I heard before I fell into a peaceful slumber.

 Harry POV:

I think I love this girl. Watching her sleep, I realized this. and no, not in a stalker's way of watching, just lovingly. She was so beautiful when she was sleeping. So peaceful. The only bad thing about when she was sleeping was that her clear blue eyes were hidden from me. They're so gorgeous. I wonder if sometime soon she'll tell me who hurt her, so I can comfort her. I have a feeling it was a guy who did. And that is terrible that someone would treat Tressa that way. She's just so perfect, but she doesn't see it. And when she's hurting, I'm hurting. I need to find out why she's hurting. I finally fell alseep, my dreams filled with images of her.

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