Chapter 28

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Jorja's P.O.V.

"Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuyssss!" I whine, poking Shana on the cheek. "When are the guys getting here?" I ask. Shana rolls her eyes and checks her phone. "Niall said they'd be here about 15 minutes ago. I don't where they are!" I pull down my sweatshirt, over my knees. I should probably get dress, out of just a sweatshirt and underwear if they are coming.It's not my fault that is what I sleep in! Just then, with my luck the boys walk in. All the girls look at me, being not dressed. I squeal upstairs and grab a towel for my shower. ~~~ After my shower I wrap the towel around me and head to the guest room I have been staying in. I grab a pear of black leggings and an over sized sweater. This sweater was also known as the "Granny Sweater". Thank you Madi. I walk downstairs and see everyone eating pancakes that Tressa had made for us. I don't take any due to my lack of hunger.  After everyone is done eating we all just sit there, unknowing of what to do. "So what are we going to do today?" Liam asks. "I would suggest going on dates, but uhm, 2/10 of us are single. So we can't do that." Tressa teases. Michaella hits Tressa on the arm. "Let's play truth or dare?" Zayn suggests. We all chime in with our agreements and head into the living room. "I don't feel good." Shana complains. "Aww my baby." Niall says with a frown. He sits down on the couch and lets Shana rest he head on his lap. He rubs her tummy, causing her to smile. Guh. Blah. Ugh. Can I be in a relationship? We all share our bits of dares, and occasional dares. I don't really listen. Mostly because I can feel Louis eyes on me the whole time. not that I'm complaining. I mean, I do like Louis. I just know how awful guys can be. I guess he has been hurt too. Eleanor was perfect. Nobody can deny it. Then she broke his heart by saying she didn't love him. Everybody has been hurt, some can handle it more then others. I brake out of my thoughts by Louis smirking at me. He leans over to my ear and whispers "I can see you staring out of the corner of your eyes." We both chuckle and I lean into his ear and say "You're a cocky little bastard aren't you?" he laughs again. Now, everyone aware that we are having our own conversation, Madi says "Louis truth or dare?" Louis thinks for a while, "Truth, change it up a bit." We all laugh and Tressa takes over. "We all know you and Jorja like each other, okay?" Louis and I both blush she continues "We want you to describe why you like her!" Tressa finishes. He chuckles nervously "Oh gosh um,  well, I love how open she can get. How she tries to love everything around her. I love how she brightens up a room and tries to make everyone feel happy. She has goals, but never seems the reach them, and she can make you laugh easy. How she puts attitude in her small body. How she is nice until you piss her off. How she connects with you. How she understands, even though she has never been through any of it. She doesn't like compliments, she's bipolar, she wants people to like her, she tries to be approved, but would never change for anyone." Louis finally finishes, looking at me. I am in awe. I didn't know anything about me like this. Why is he so perfect? Liam coughs causing us to look away. I didn't really get the rest of the truth or dare. I know Michaella showed Harry Tressa's old fan girl stuff. And Harry tickled Tressa until she cried, and Madi and Zayn kissed. I don't remember anything else. After a while the game got boring. "Let's go get something to eat" Michaella suggested so we did. When everyone was out of the door, Louis pulled me back. He smirked at me, before kissing me. I kissed back (of course!!) and we both smiled into the kiss. He whispered to me "Would you like to go out sometime?" I smiled almost too big. "I would love too!" 

Hey hey guys! I (jorja) wrote this one. uhm I actually love Eleanor, please don't think I don't. Uhm well byeee!!! *kisses* :*

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