Chapter 32

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Tressa POV:

"Her boyfriend's a dick, he brings a gun to school. And he'd simply kick my ass if he knew the truth. He lives on my block, and he drives and IROC. But, he doesn't know who I am. And he doesn't give a damn about me." I heard the second verse of Teenage Dirtbag, and groaned. "Harry, turn off your damn alarm. People are trying to sleep!" I heard Louis yell, and decided I should probably open my eyes. When I did, I saw Harry sitting up, talking in his phone. Guess it wasn't his alarm clock then. "What? Just Can't Let Her Go? It leaked? Okay, we'll see you at Nando's in an hour." He hung up the phone, then looked over at me. "Who was that?" I asked. "Management. Our song that wasn't supposed to come out until Decemeber leaked, and they want to have a meeting at Nando's with us in an hour. You guys can come, too." He answered, and I got up, out of bed. "I'll go wake everybody up, you go get in the shower." I said, walking down the hallway. Once I woke everyone up, I walked back down to Harry's room, and he was already out of the shower, a towel around his waist. "Okay, I'm gonna get in the shower." I said, and walked past him, to the bathroom. After my shower, I wrapped a towel around me, and blow-dryed and straightened my hair. After a bit of make-up, I left the steamy bathroom to pick out what I'm going to wear. I picked out a simple, purple sweater, and white skinny jeans. I paired it with the classic, black converse. When I was done dressing, I left the walk in closet to see Harry sitting on the end of the bed. "Too casual?" I asked and turned so he could see my outfit. "Nope, it's perfect." He said, smiling. I blushed, "Come on. Let's go see if everyone is ready." I said, and took his hand. We walked out to the living room to see everyone out there. "Ready?" I asked, and they all nodded their heads. We headed out, and I saw a limo. "Why is there a limo here?" I asked, and Harry just laughed. "Well, there are ten of us, and I thought it'd be easier." He answered, as if it were obvious. "Okay..?" I said, and we all got into the limo. When we arrived at Nando's, the paparazzi were swarming. Harry still had ahold of my hand, so he squeezed it, as if to reassure me. I smiled, and focused on him, as he led us into the resturaunt. Nobody was in the resturaunt. Management must have reserved it. We sat down, and ordered our food. They started the meeting, but I didn't really pay attention. I listened, but I was thinking about something else. My nightmare the other night. I just couldn't get it out of my head. It was so vivid, it scared me. It felt so real. Before I knew it, the food was done, and everyone starting eating. Everyone except me. I wasn't really hungry, so I didn't order anything. Harry looked worried, but I smiled to show him it was okay. I didn't listen to the rest of the meeting. I don't really remember leaving the resturaunt, either. We were back in the limo, Harry looking at me, while I just stared, blankly, at nothing. He looked worried, but he was blurry, because I wasn't focused on him. I heard screeching tires, and yelling. I heard a crash, and screaming. I don't remember anything, because then I blacked out.

Harry POV:

It all happened quickly. I was staring at Tressa, who was lost in thought. Then, there was a flash of light, and screeching tires. Now, we were all at the hospital, waiting to find out if she's okay. They won't tell me anything, keep saying that they will let me know as soon as she's stable. The boys try to reassure me, but I'm in shock. Why did this happen to her? When I come back to Earth, Shana is crying, while Niall's arms are wrapped around her. Jorja is pacing the room, while Louis is trying to calm her. Michaella is hugging Liam, and crying into his shirt. Madi is sitting with Zayn, who tries to comfort her while she's crying. It's then that I notice that I have tears running down my face. I got up, and walked over to Shana. I kneeled down, to wear she's laying in Niall's arms. "I know." I said. She looked at me, with tears in her eyes, no doubt blurring her vision, like they were blurring mine. "You don't Harry. When will we find out if she's okay?" She said, and i just shook my head. "I don't know when we will. I don't even know if she's okay. I can't do this; I can't act like I know. Because I don't." I said, and she unwrapped her arms from Niall, and latched herself onto me. I just hugged her back, her tears soaking my shirt, my tears soaking her's. Niall joined in on the hug, his soft cries blending in with our's. Soon enough, everyone was in a group hug. Everyone crying, not knowing what to do. A couple hours later, I sat across the room from everyone, well, almost everyone. Louis sat next to me. "You know, she's gonna make it, mate. She's strong." He said, and I took my gaze off of my friends, who were sharing memories that they had with Tressa. I looked at my best friend. "They wont tell me anything." I said, and he sadly smiled. "I know. But, Tressa can do it. I have faith in her. Don't you?" He asked me. "Of course I do." I said. "Well, she wouldn't want you worrying. She'd want you to believe that she could do it. So, come on." He said, getting up, and I stood, too. I gave him a bone-crushing hug. "I love you, Boobear." I said in his ear. "I love you, too, Hazza." He said, and I pulled away from the hug, and smiled. He smiled back, and we joined our friends, who sat in a circle, on the floor. Shana was sharing a memory wiht Tressa that made her smile. "I remember when Tressa and I did the talent show. She was nervous as hell. I had sang earlier that night, and had to sing again, with a choir I was in. She and I were right after that, with our act. She had never sang a duet in front of a crowd like that. She did it, though. I was so happy for her." I looked at her, and she smiled at me. "I remember when we did the play in eighth grade. We practiced it over and over. The night of the show, the lighting got messed up, and we ended up skipping two scenes. We had to do a bit of improv, too. People forgot their lines, so we had to fill in. It was a fun night." Jorja said, and Madi nodded her head. "I was in that play, too. I remember how she had to have that Louisiana accent, and she did it well." We all smiled, and Michaella was next. "I remember that one time when we all went over to Jorja's house, and we played Dance Central 3. That was so much fun." Just then, a doctor walking into the waiting room, where we were seated. "Are you the friends of Tressa Hunter?" He asked, and we all stood up. I nodded my head, "I'm her boyfriend." I said, and he nodded. "Okay. There's good news, and bad news. Good news, she's stable now. Bad news, she broke her right leg, has many cuts and bruises, and sprained her wrist. It's a minimal amount of damage considering the the crash you were in." He said. "Can I see her?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Yes. But only you. She's sleeping, and may be for a while. Follow me." He said, and turned. I looked back to Shana and everyone else. "It's alright. We'll see her in a while. Go." She said, and pushed me towars the doctor. I followed him down multiple hallways, and into her room. "I leave you alone." He said, and left the room. I walked over to her bed. She didn't look like herself. But, she was sleeping peacefully. I smiled, and grabbed her hand. "Hey. I'm sorry that I didn't protect you from this. I wish it would have happened to me, not you. You don't deserve it. I hope you know that I love you. So much. And I know that you'll wake up." I said, and layed my head down on the side of the bed. "I know that loving me is hard. You get constant hate, the media is in your business. I'm thankful that you'll do it for me." I said, tears running down my face. I kissed her forehead, then fell asleep, hoping she'd wake up.

Author's Note:

Hey guys. I wrote this, in Tressa...if you didn't notice. I hope you liked this one. I got the idea from Hannah, so this chapter is dedicated to her...since she came up with the idea. Thank you for over 980 reads! We really couldn't have done it without you. Vote, comment, and follow me! Even though none of you have commented yet. I really want to know if you like my writing. Please. Love you all!!! -Tressa xx

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