Chapter 31

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Shana's POV:

I am so happy we are all in relationships now! I'm still getting used to it. It's kinda strange watching them, because I don't think any of us have been this happy before. I turned back to the movie we were watching. We were watching The Hunger Games. "Ugh. Why did we have to watching this movie?" I asked. I had seen it way to much, I could almost recited the whole movie. "Because everyone else wanted to watch this one. Not everyone wants to watch creepy movies all the time like you, Shana." Niall told me with a wink. Awe! My boyfriend was just to cute. There was a flash all of a sudden through the window. "What was that?" Michaella asked scooting closer to Liam. "Probably just some lightning." Louis said. "I don't think so, it's not storming outside." Maddie said. "Oh, no. It's the paps. They always do stuff like this." Harry said getting out of his seat. "And worse yet, we haven't told our fans we all have girlfriends, so if those pictures get put out there, they are going to start getting a lot of hate." Oh, no. This doesn't sound good. "How about we go do a twitcam right now to try and make it not so bad?" Liam suggested. "Good idea." Zayn said, helping Maddie up. We all got up out of our seats and went to Liam's computer. He logged on, and started the twitcam. "Hello everyone! How are you all doing?" he asked, looking at all the tweets going past on the side. I read one of them that said, 'I heard a rumor that you guys have girlfriends. Is it true? Is that them?' "We have some important news to tell all you guys. Our loyal, dedicated, fans." Harry said. "Yes. We would like to tell you that, the rumors are true. We do have girlfriends. This is my girlfriend Jorja. Say hi to the fans Jorja!" Louis said pulling Jorja onto his lap. "Hi." she squeaked out. "This is my lovely girlfriend Michaella." Liam said. Michaella smiled, and waved at the camera. "Fans, meet Maddie. Maddie, meet fans." Zayn said with a smirk. Maddie giggled. "This Tressa, my girlfriend." Harry said as he grabbed her hand. Tressa blushed. "And lastly, my beautiful girlfriend Shana." Niall said grabbing me by the waist. I giggled as he did, while I still read the tweets. Some were nice like, 'Awe! They are all so pretty! And you all look so happy together! Too cute!' others read, 'Those are your new girlfriends? Did they get hit by a bus? They look disgusting.' and, 'They aren't that pretty, especially that Shana girl. She's the grossest. Even if that's not a word, it was invented for her.' My eyes started to water. I ran out of the living room, and went up to Niall's room as they finished up the twitcam. I can't believe someone could be that mean! Did they ever consider how that would make me feel? What the actual fuck was going through some of those girls heads? I laid down and started crying.

Niall's POV:

I read some of the tweets our fans were sending in. Some of them were very supportive, and others were, well not. I think Shana read one that was directly aimed at her. I knew she wasn't taking it very well when I went upstairs and heard sobs coming from behind my closed bedroom door. I knocked on the door and asked, "Shana? Can I please come in?" "Okay." I heard her sniffle. I opened the door to see her face down on the bed. "Awe, my little cupcake. Are you alright?" I asked her. She sat up. "Yeah. I just read some terrible tweets from some girls, and it kinda got to me. I just can't believe anyone could ever be that rude, and disrespectful. But, now that I'm dating a celebrity, it gets pretty bad huh?" She asked. I nodded my head. "As long as you stick with me, I will make sure nobody ever hurts you. Okay? That reminds me, I have something for you." "Really? Something for me?" she looked surprised. "Yes, now close your eyes and hold out your hand." I told her. She giggled. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a box. I walked back over to Shana, and made sure her eyes were still closed. I placed the box in her hand, "Okay, now open them." She looked down and her eyes widened. She slowly opened the box, and took the ring out. "Oh my goodness, Niall! It's amazing!" "Read what it says inside, Love." "Love you forever and always. Niall." she read aloud. "I love you too Niall forever and always." I put the ring on her finger, and looked at her. "There is no one else in this whole universe I would rather be with than you." "And I wouldn't want to be with anyone else but you." she told me. I was now probably the happiest man on the earth to hear those words come out of her perfect little mouth.

Author's note: Hey guys! Sorry we haven't updated recently, well me anyways. I just haven't been feeling like writing. I hope you are enjoying the story so far, and hope you liked the new chapter. I put a lot of my actual emotions into this one. So, please keep reading. And also don't forget to vote, comment, and follow for more. Love you all! ~Shana Xx

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