Chapter 22 That Went Well.

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"I think we should be going now," said Jax.
"Where to?" asked Neeran.
"I'll be going home," said Jax. "To Dazania and my four current children. Where you seven go is up to you."

"Zach and I will be returning to Lothal and our family," said Neeran. "What about you guys?"
"We're Drifters, we don't have a home," said Jyuo.
"You're welcome in my home on Lothal," offered Neeran, finishing entering the co-ordinates to go to Dazania. "Hiccup would like your company."

Then Neeran remembered a Farley important detail.
"Would have."

Silence consumed the group. Neeran has taken the sudden loss of her Padawan whilst unconscious very badly. It would take her a while, if ever, for her to heal from the abrupt separation.

"We don't know where our apprentices went after the war either Neeran," said Coattra. "We can still feel the Master-Padawan connection with them, but we taught them how to mask their signals so, oops."
"Oops," mirrored Neeran. "I taught Shakkuri that too. He had connections with your Padawans as well, but we've had no luck finding them over the last fifteen years either."

The rest of the short hyperspace trip passed in relative peace and quiet. All of them were glad that there was no more fighting or galactic shenanigans going on around them.

It was a nice change to the norm.

And all too soon, they'd arrived at Dazania and it was time to say goodbye to Master Jax.
"I guess we'll be seeing you around them?" asked Neeran as the seven Padawans said goodbye.
"Maybe sooner than you think," smiled Jax. "Good luck to you all. You'll need it in the upcoming conflicts that will face this galaxy."

"See you later Jax," said Neeran. "Say hi to Silas, Aladdin, Shion and Nezumi for me."
"Can do," replied Jax with a wave and left.

"What are you all going to do now?" asked Neeran to her five other male team members.
"If you'll have us," said Galleion. "I believe that we'd like to remain with you in this coming war."
"I accept," said Neeran. "I don't say goodbye anyway."
"What about if war comes Neeran?" asked Zach. "We can't exactly sit by if open war occurs between the growing Rebellion and the Empire?"
"I do not wish to be drawn into another war," said Neeran. "The last war only ended 15 years ago and even that's still slightly up for debate."

"What if it's inevitable?" asked Jyuo.
"Then it's inevitable," replied Neeran. "But I will do everything in my power to avoid an open war."

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